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» Forum Index » General comments » Topic: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?

Posted on 03/11/21 5:29:26 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
I am unable to update to the new photoshop because it is only compatible with Big Sur. My last attempt to upgrade to big Sur was a disaster as I lost two major peripherals (Wacom Intuos4 and the special keypad I have formatted for Photoshop) whose manufacturers are not updating their drivers for Big Sur. Wacom has announced since that it will no longer support the Intuos V4 at all.

I have found a third party driver that has given new life to the keypad and which is fully compatible but I will have to bite the bullet on a new drawing slate. Because I work with two large twin monitors I need a large drawing surface so that is going to be quite a major expense.

So .... is PS22 any good? From the PR releases it seems to be concentrating on developing the new AI Filters. So far I haven't been terribly impressed by them - they seem a bit like miracle whip instead of cream.

But, on the other hand, the AI selection algorithms in PS21 are already amazing and PS 22 seems to have taken this to a whole new level.

If I do choose to upgrade it's going to be a major system change with new equipment needed. So is it worth it?

Opinions anyone if you've tried it?

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 04/11/21 12:10:50 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6952


Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
I’ve upgraded to Photoshop 22 and I’m still using Catalina. Works fine.

There are some good new features. One is the new Select Subject tool which highlights objects in an image as you roll over them. The other is the Harmonization Neural Filter, which matches an image’s colour and tone to its background, surprisingly well. I’ve written a piece of CreativePro about this and I’ll let you know when it’s published.

Posted on 04/11/21 3:43:53 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
Sadly compatibility stops at Mojave which I have.

The new selection tools are what look really attractive. But obviously I don't want to get too far behind on other updates either.

At some point, I will have to update my system for other apps too. I have very few 32 bit apps left and I can run them on the old MacPro so that's not an issue.

The downside will be the loss of my large Intuos Slate. It's 530€ to replace ...... and I don't like the new models as much as the older one I have! However I have been researching and Huion do a large tablet with a similar active area for a third of the price. They have always been regarded as lesser quality than Wacom but they have been improving in the last few years and reviews of the new tablet are excellent, so I think I will try.

Off to Germany tomorrow early. Will have to get onto it when I am back.

Thanks Steve.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 04/11/21 11:16:59 PM
michael sinclair
Off-Topic Opportunist
Posts: 1821


Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
David, I have seen the YouTube videos on the "22" update, and have discovered that I really don't need the new selection tool (oh my, how did people manage on the fabulous "21" before "22" came along. As for the harmonization Neural Filter, I won't be using it on account of being a competent Photoshop artist, but that's not to say it won't be useful to creatively "sterile" Photoshoppers.

Posted on 05/11/21 06:51:39 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
Thanks Michael. I've expressed my opinion on most of the neural filters elsewhere and not many of them appeal to me. When Monterey comes out I while be three years behind on the OS so it's getting close to upgrade time anyway.

Guess I'll just dither for a while and then make a sudden decision on the basis of a whim.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 05/11/21 11:00:51 AM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1693


Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
I am now running Monterey, PS 22, and using Intuos 5 with no problems.

Posted on 05/11/21 2:30:44 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
Frank wrote:
I am now running Monterey, PS 22, and using Intuos 5 with no problems.

I have the predecessor Intuos 4L and sadly it’s not being supported beyond Mojave. Shame …… with it’s LCD readouts and smoother finish it’s a lovely tablet. I actually prefer it to the 5 as I have no need of the finger gestures. But that’s a purely personal view. It’s days seem sadly numbered like it or not.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 05/11/21 7:01:34 PM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
I'm using both the new versions of Photoshop and Lightroom. Have not had any problems, apart from Photoshop often crashes on first import from Lightroom, but the next one always works. Have also updated to Monterey. I just can't resist new stuff.
Used Harmonize in my last entry.

Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.

Posted on 23/03/23 7:27:52 PM
Posts: 4

Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
I'm using both the new versions of Photoshop and Lightroom. Except for the fact that Photoshop frequently crashes on the first import from Lightroom, everything has gone smoothly. Have also updated to Monterey. I simply cannot resist new things.

Posted on 17/06/23 06:30:11 AM
Posts: 4

Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
I have discovered a third-party driver that has revived the keypad and is entirely functional, but I will have to face the reality of purchasing a new drawing tablet. I need a huge drawing surface because I operate with two enormous twin monitors, which will be quite an expensive purchase.

Posted on 17/06/23 09:04:15 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
I work with large (A4 active) Wacom slate and it's drivers still work fine with all OS's right up to Ventura. Photoshop is no issue.

I also use a left handed keypad (Razer Tartarus) and the third party Steermouse driver allows me to program it to do just about anything.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 03/02/24 5:27:58 PM
Posts: 5

Re: Has anyone tried the latest PS 22 release?
Has anyone tested the newest PS 22 release? I'm curious about user experiences and features. Share insights on the latest updates, improvements, or any issues encountered. Your feedback can help others make informed decisions about upgrading or purchasing the comprehensive islam product.


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