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» Forum Index » General comments » Topic: The new Contextual Taskbar - Love it or not?

Posted on 10/06/23 5:35:49 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


The new Contextual Taskbar - Love it or not?
I am totally in love with the new floating contextual task bar. I am very keyboard dyslectic and clumsy and, although I am well aware that keyboard shortcuts are the best way to work if you can handle them, I can't and have tried every workaround possible to avoid them, including gaming pads in my left hand and Wacom's pen operated on screen radial menus.

As far as I am concerned this new feature is manna from heaven and allows me to be almost completely pen based without breaking the flow. I really hope it will be further developed.

I am curious to know if there are other keyboard phobics like me who find this a welcome addition?

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 12/06/23 7:46:16 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6952


Re: The new Contextual Taskbar - Love it or not?
Personally I find it really irritating, the way it’s always right there in the middle of the image when I make a selection. I wish I could just dock it over to the side.

Posted on 12/06/23 9:17:17 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: The new Contextual Taskbar - Love it or not?
It is irritating at times and it needs a lot of refinement with regards to positioning. You can move it out of the way and it will stay there. Or you can quite simply turn it off. Problem is that, at present, you need to do it each time PS starts up. That's really irritating if you don't want it.

The Adobe forum is full of requests to make it possible to permanently enable or disable and to make it dockable when enabled.

I would love to see this properly developed. I think it has real potential once the teething problems are tackled. It's in its very first release so there's plenty of room to do that.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 17/06/23 09:08:38 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: The new Contextual Taskbar - Love it or not?
I have to confess that the more I use it the less I am starting to like it. I love the idea but not the implementation. I do hope they will make it dockable.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 27/11/23 2:07:19 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: The new Contextual Taskbar - Love it or not?
Well I started off loving this new toolbar but, like Steve, became more and more irritated by it's popping up just where I didn't want it. It could be pinned but this was forgotten every time you changed image let alone between sessions. Despite loving the idea in principle, I switched it off.

Things have moved on. Now it can be pinned anywhere you like and will remember this position permanently. It can also be assigned a keyboard shortcut to show or hide it. More importantly Adobe has extended its function beyond generative fill to include many other tools. Being pen addicted and keyboard shy I was tempted to try it again.

I keep it top left just beside my tools and below the options bar.

I am beginning to find it really useful. It gathers in one place, and just one click away, most of the options that I might want to use for the tool I am using (some of which are otherwise buried several menu levels deep).

In effect it, to some degree, anticipates what I might need next and has it ready and waiting. It's far from perfect and there's room for lots of refinement but I suspect Adobe will continue to develop it.

It will be a while before I am fully comfortable with it and have managed to adapt long ingrained habits to using it, but I have a feeling this could well change quite radically the way I work for the better.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

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