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» Forum Index » General comments » Topic: David Mac's THIRTY PHOTOSHOP TIPS

Posted on 02/01/24 3:46:14 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5397


Being possessed of a rather less than optimum memory I tend to make notes a lot. Over the course of time some of these grow into quite considerable lists.

It occurred to me that this rather random accumulation of Photoshop memory joggers and other bits 'n bobs might nonetheless contain things of use or interest to others as well. So here it is .......

On the probably rather arrogant assumption that some of you might just find some of these useful I have posted the text in the form of an image so that you can right click download.

I am very curious to hear reactions. Is any of this useful ...... or is it just too basic and banal?

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 04/01/24 7:27:03 PM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1696


David - I started going thru your tips and over the next few days will add my 2 cents. I too have notes here and there as we don't always access everything (and there's a lot).And my brain is old.
Dodge and Burn - I have mine set as an action which triggers a 50% gray clipped layer in soft light mode - I then paint with a somewhat reduced flow soft black /white brush. Using "X" to switch the brush.
I may also Gaussian Blur (or reduce opacity) the gray layer.

Selecting Layers In An Image - .Also note : Right Click on the eyeball in the Layers Panel to reveal "Show/Hide all other layers"

Posted on 04/01/24 8:26:17 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5397


Frank wrote:
David - I started going thru your tips and over the next few days will add my 2 cents. I too have notes here and there as we don't always access everything (and there's a lot).And my brain is old.
Dodge and Burn - I have mine set as an action which triggers a 50% gray clipped layer in soft light mode - I then paint with a somewhat reduced flow soft black /white brush. Using "X" to switch the brush.
I may also Gaussian Blur (or reduce opacity) the gray layer.

Selecting Layers In An Image - .Also note : Right Click on the eyeball in the Layers Panel to reveal "Show/Hide all other layers"

An action to create a 50% grey clipped layer. What a good idea! It's useful for more than just Dodge and Burn. I use it for Render filters and Noise as well. I think I shall definitely set that up.

Using Black and White instead of Dodge and Burn is also a good idea. Somehow I am so familiar with using Black and White (and greys) for masking that it has an instinctive 'feel' that I would find more familiar than Dodge and Burn.

The right clicking eyeball I think I have covered together with it's advantages and disadvantages if you have layers you wish to keep hidden.

Looking forward to hearing your reactions and suggestions as you go through the list. It's a lot to digest in one go.

I am a bit embarrassed that some of the things are so basic ... but still I manage to consistently forget them!

I do hope this isn't going to simply prove to be a 'senior' list!

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

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