This week's banner is by lwc from Oklahoma, USA

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» Forum Index » General comments » Topic: SHOW LAYER BOUNDS A fantastic unpublicised new feature in PS V25.7

Posted on 25/04/24 11:28:22 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


SHOW LAYER BOUNDS A fantastic unpublicised new feature in PS V25.7
Photoshop 55.7 has a new feature previously only available in beta.

It's called Show Layer Bounds and it's hidden under the little Properties Cog on the Move tool properties bar.

Adobe in typical fashion have rolled out V25.7 with the What's New help window full of bruhaha about all the "Exciting new AI possibilities" and no mention at all, that I can find, of this new Move tool feature. Nor can I find any mention of it searching through Help either in app or online. I suspect this lack of publicity may be because it's unglamorous and only experienced users will really appreciate its benefits.

This new feature is incredibly easy to use and simplifies both in image and in palette layer search and selection. As someone who works large images with huge layer counts it's truly the answer to a maiden's prayer. This is going speed up and simplify my work flow enormously. As far as I am concerned this simple unassuming unpublicised improvement to an existing tool is the one of the best real improvements for Photoshop to come out in all the recent upgrades.

Although it's simplicity itself to use, it's quite hard to explain here so, if you want to learn more, go here and let the irrepressible Unmesh Dindah explain it in his inimitable manner. The link will land you on the PixImperfect home page. Scroll down to the bottom of "Our Latest Videos" and click on "Load More". Scroll down again a little bit and play the tutorial "LAYER HOVER - Smart NEW Layers Feature in Photoshop!". At the end he mentions one small problem. This existed in the beta version he is talking about but is resolved in the current release version.

Do check it out. For me this is one those cases where simple is good and a what, at face value, seems a small improvement is in fact really useful and functional.

Incidentally, Steve, I think this new feature would make a great "Two Minute Photoshop"!

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......


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