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» Forum Index » Problems and solutions » Topic: Clashing Colours!

Posted on 06/11/06 6:07:45 PM
Posts: 2


Clashing Colours!
Hi Steve

Been away for a long time - former log-in no longer works !

Anyway, not been photoshopping for ages, and have gotten very rusty.

A friend asked me to add his colleague's head toJoe Strummer's body.

No probs, I though - until I tried to match the skintones !!! No matter what I do, I just cant get the same pallid look to his face that his bandmates sport.

Ive spent ages with curves, but just get the unsatisfying low-contrast result below.

Any ideas?


Original images:

Posted on 06/11/06 6:09:21 PM
Posts: 2


Re: Clashing Colours!
And, heres all I can manage.. Help !!!

Posted on 06/11/06 8:26:11 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: Clashing Colours!
PMcFadden wrote:
And, heres all I can manage.. Help !!!

This is my attempt at your problem:

See next reply for details!

Only in my brightest moments I understand myself

Posted on 06/11/06 8:52:29 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: Clashing Colours!
What I did was to extract the head to a new layer. I reduced the head size to 90%, but when Í look at the now I probably should have reduced it a little bit more and/or reduced the width of the man's head.

Then I added one Hue/Saturation and one Color Balance adjustment layer. I pulled the saturation slider in the first layer down to about -75 and in the second layer I added a very slight blue color, around 5 for shadows and about twice that för midtones. You can see the layer structure in attachment.

Next there's a lighting issue to address; I used the burn tool on the left side and a touch of dodging on the right side. A little stronger dodging on his forehead and on his nose to make the lighting look more similar to that on the other three persons.

Only in my brightest moments I understand myself

Posted on 07/11/06 09:10:20 AM
Shadow Spectaculator
Posts: 151


Re: Clashing Colours!
Whaler, it looks great! My only thought on this problem is that because the face is looking straight at the camera with no angle, it has a look of a Photoshopped picture. This is no critiscism to you - the original picture has this effect as well, in fact I thought at first that the original was the result of PS until I read the post fully. Perhaps a slight tilt to the head (even away from the rest of the group, to match the body language and position of the subject) might create a more realistic (than the original!) final image?


Posted on 07/11/06 8:52:41 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: Clashing Colours!
Babybiker wrote:
Whaler, it looks great! My only thought on this problem is that because the face is looking straight at the camera with no angle, it has a look of a Photoshopped picture. This is no critiscism to you - the original picture has this effect as well, in fact I thought at first that the original was the result of PS until I read the post fully. Perhaps a slight tilt to the head (even away from the rest of the group, to match the body language and position of the subject) might create a more realistic (than the original!) final image?


Thanks, BB.
I believe your comments are right. If it was my friend I would probably add some hair as well. One person being (almost) bald makes him stand out from the rest. Adding some hair could look like this.


Posted on 07/11/06 10:13:38 PM
Destructive Demon
Posts: 243


Re: Clashing Colours!
Hi Paul,
Nice to see you again. This problem was a lot more difficult than it looked as none of the band's skin tones match anyway. I've been playing around with it for days on and off and I'm still not entirely satisfied. Anyway I thought I would send it in to see what you think.


Posted on 10/11/06 09:09:11 AM
Posts: 49

Re: Clashing Colours!

What's wrong with having a slightly healthy look in your friend's face/chest? As I see it, the closest skin color match - between your friend's insertion - is the guy on the extreme left. If you simply MUST match the skin color, do so with a balanced combination between the "Level" and "Desaturate" (the latter under "hue/saturation"- no "curves" on this one. A slight adjustment between these two might satisfy your "eye" - if, indeed, it really matters. Your sizing of the head/chest is fine and - to the "eye" - befits the body perspective for his posture.

Be well - and LEAVE IT ALONE!!


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