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» Forum Index » Problems and solutions » Topic: short cut keys quit working

Posted on 11/11/06 10:28:27 PM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


short cut keys quit working
Every so often while working along in Photoshop, I will press a shortcut key, and instead of getting the expected photoshop shortcut, I will get a windows function. I might get the desktop or the run command, or some other such thing. The only way that I have found to restore the photoshop shortcuts at this point, it to reboot the PC. I'm really not sure if this is really a photoshop issue. Since this is the only time I ever see the problem I was wondering if anyone else had ever come across this. Thanks, Dave.

Posted on 12/11/06 5:36:11 PM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2162


Re: short cut keys quit working
Occasionally, but usually when I hit the wrong combination. I can only assume that if you have the same shortcut in PS as one for Windows, Windows takes priority.

Posted on 12/11/06 7:40:21 PM
David Asch
Tech Support
Posts: 1913


Re: short cut keys quit working
If you're getting the desktop or run command, you're hitting the Windows key or there's a problem with the keyboard. Windows+D minimises everything (same as the show desktop command) and Windows+R initiates the run command box.

I'm forever doing it when I have to use one of those beige boxes

Leap and the net will appear

Posted on 13/11/06 01:09:28 AM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: short cut keys quit working
Actually it is simple shortcuts such as the tab to turn the tool bars on and off, or the f key to switch display modes. When this happens the tab key causes an application switch, which will minimize photoshop. I have the windows key disabled as I never use it, and only find it an irritation when I hit it by mistake. I have never seen the problem except when photoshop is running, and have not been able to discover the cause.

Posted on 13/11/06 07:54:25 AM
Destructive Demon
Posts: 243


Re: short cut keys quit working
In windows the switch application is Alt-Tab, I suspect that your keyboard is faulty, can you borrow another to try?

Posted on 14/11/06 01:50:55 AM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: short cut keys quit working
I think that the keyboard is the problem. I'll have to find another. Thanks for your comments!

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