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» Forum Index » Problems and solutions » Topic: My selections are inverse of those in the book

Posted on 01/04/15 9:31:39 PM
Posts: 2


My selections are inverse of those in the book

I'm experiencing a strange issue. On page 12 (QuickMask 3) in the CC edition, there's an example where you draw a circle over the glass of water and then you press Q to enter QuickMask mode. When I follow this procedure, I get the inverse result of the book, so everything but whats inside the circle turns red.

Any ideas to why this happens?

Best regards, Kenneth.

And thank you for an excellent and very useful book!

Posted on 01/04/15 9:44:56 PM
Posts: 2


My selections are inverse of those in the book
Nevermind, I just figured out that it was the settings for the QuickMask that needed to be changed (I just thought I already did that once a while ago)


Posted on 02/04/15 07:31:56 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6970


Re: My selections are inverse of those in the book
Glad you got it sorted out!

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