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Image doctor
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» Forum Index » Image doctor » Topic: antelope

Posted on 16/03/06 03:57:37 AM
Incisive Incisor
Posts: 799


anybody know how to make the antelope look real?

Posted on 16/03/06 2:45:17 PM
Raster Reanimator
Posts: 259

Re: antelope
These were done pretty quickly... Firstly I painted in some Shadows behind the antelope...then just painted some Red into the top of the open mouth and nostrils with the opacity of the brush reduced...(it actually looked lighter in PS than it does on here lol... but that's IE for depending on what you want to do with the pic you can make the Red Lighter or Darker)... you'll see what I mean if you fiddle about with it till it looks about right... then I just used the Dodge and Burn Tools to add some Highlights and Shadows to the fur... the image is pretty dark so don't over do it with the Burn Tool. I made the teeth a lil more yellow as well ...just used Color Balance for that. Then I added a Warm Photo Filter (CS2) to the Whole image... if you don't have CS2 then Curves or Levels... even Color Balance will more or less do it for you. Lastly I added a little Grain to the Whole pic to try to blend it altogether... you don't have to do this.. but sometimes I think it has a better effect if the front object is smoother than the Background.

In the second version I just added some Motion Blur to make it look like the Antelope was moving.

Dunno if it looks entirely real but I'm sure you'll take more time on it than me... so play about with the different things I mentioned to see what you think?

Posted on 16/03/06 2:46:12 PM
Raster Reanimator
Posts: 259

Re: antelope
Second version with Motion Blur added...

Hope this helps?


Posted on 16/03/06 3:25:14 PM
Incisive Incisor
Posts: 799


Re: antelope
Good job...I''ll try it.

Posted on 17/03/06 1:19:45 PM
Incisive Incisor
Posts: 799


Re: antelope
I increased the motion blur on the animal a bit and got some of the shine off of it...I think it looks real but then again sometimes I think we just start to fall in love with what the current project is and think it better than it really is...more reason for this forum.

Posted on 18/03/06 01:10:44 AM
Montage Maestro
Posts: 282


Re: antelope
Image - adjustments - shadow highlight - burn out the eye highlight and paint smaller one, finally the blur tool to soften the edges and details of antelope not perfect but hey, whad'ya expect for 5 mins work !

minds are like parachutes - they only work when they are open

Posted on 25/03/06 1:07:05 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: antelope
Here's what I did:

1. I isolated the antelope on a new layer.

2. On a background copy I cloned the cliffs and the shrubs in the background

(If you had to pictures to start with, so you wouldn't have to do the first two steps)

3. I made a layer selection on the antelope layer (ctrl-click on the icon in the PC world) and feathered this selection, in my case 2px.

4. The next action was to invers the selection and erase around the edges.

5. The last step involved "moving" the sunlight on the antelope as there seems to be a discrepancy between the directions of the sun on the cliffs and on the antelope. The sunlight on the antelope is coming more from the right side than it does on the cliffs, so I used the burn tool in, in my opinion, appropriate places to achieve what I wanted.

That's how I ended up with my result and the reason I did this instead of using motion blur was firstly that this pose is a, more or less, static pose and, secondly, the silhouette of the antelope is to crisp around the edges (remember it's fur), maybe with an exception for the horns. I didn't exclude them when I erased.

It must a clipping mask, I never could get the hang of clipping masks

Posted on 26/03/06 5:05:12 PM
Incisive Incisor
Posts: 799


Re: antelope
Nice job Whaler. I am not picking up huge differances between what any of us has done except for the motion blurring. Maybe we cannot make a bronze statue look like a live antelope. this started out as two separate picture and I thought I might actually put the shopping mall antelope into its natural environment.

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