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Image doctor
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» Forum Index » Image doctor » Topic: great grand parents

Posted on 09/01/09 10:11:19 AM
steve hill
Brain Basher
Posts: 228


great grand parents
A friend has given a picture of his great grandparents in the hope I could clean it up ans enlarge. the original is only passport size and badly damaged. I have had a go can anyone to improve. I have posted my scan of the original and my attempt.


my attempt


Posted on 09/01/09 11:14:54 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2857


Re: great grand parents
Hi Steve,

Ive had a very quick attempt at restoring this image (20mins). Lots of cloning and patch tool. Used the despeckle filter. Darkened his jacket by creating a new layer using hard light, which covered up alot of the blemishes but kept the texture. Borrowed the ladies mouth and put it on pop. (She probably speaks on his behalf anyway, so I figured he wouldnt mind ) Adjusted the levels and brightness/contrast at the end. The ran the unsharp mask last.

This is the sort of thing you can spend hours on. But basically thats what you need to do.


Posted on 09/01/09 2:51:41 PM
The Mad Lep
Four-Leafed Fantasist
Posts: 323


Re: great grand parents
Here are my attempts.
Mouth part was very tricky, and I'm not content with it, but it's as good as I can get it.
The tint in the second is done with a filter called 'Nostalgia'. Apt!
I didn't attempt a resizing, from my experience it just doesn't work on smallish photos, and with the quality of this one I don't think it would work at all. But maybe someone else will have better luck.
A lovely photo, thanks for letting us work on it.

Posted on 09/01/09 3:36:33 PM
Six-String Synthesist
Posts: 236


Re: great grand parents
Here is what I did.

I created a copy and added the Dust & Scratches Filter. Play around with the settigns until most of the cratches and white dots are gone. I think I used a Radius of 3 and the Threshold at 5. Then I created a layer mask and inverted it. I then used a small soft edge brush with a opacity to something like 50% and started to paint out the scratches and any white dots. Try to make the brush size the same size of the scratches and dots.

Then I create a new layer and used the clone tool to get rid of any torn pieces.

For the mouth, I just copied from the woman and used the Levels and added a layer mask.

The last step is I created new layer and filled that in with 50% gray and added noise and Gaussian Blur. The blend mode was set to Hard Light and with a low opacity setting.

Posted on 12/01/09 09:04:19 AM
steve hill
Brain Basher
Posts: 228


Re: great grand parents
thanks Anna, Celia and Luis these are great much better than I expected


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