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Image doctor
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» Forum Index » Image doctor » Topic: Image déformée

Posted on 11/10/10 7:09:50 PM
Montage Manceau
Posts: 353


Image déformée
Oops, j'ai posté le message suivant dans friday challenge par erreur.
Bonjour, j'ai photographié de vielles photos que je ne pouvais scanner mais j'ai des déformations; j'ai essayé avec le différents outils de transformation de photoshop mais les résultats ne me conviennent pas; je joins une photo originales, si quelqu'un avait une idée pour la redresser. Merci d'avance

Posted on 11/10/10 9:25:30 PM
Stefano Giacomuzzi
Modernist Maestro
Posts: 146


Re: Image déformée
Hope this helps:


Posted on 12/10/10 6:08:08 PM
Montage Manceau
Posts: 353


Re: Image déformée
Ok merci Stephano, je n'avais pas vu l'option "perspective" dans l'outil recadrage. C'est tout a fait ce qu'il me faut.

Posted on 13/10/10 7:12:37 PM
Paul 2007 thru 2010
Lego Legend
Posts: 361

Re: Image déformée
Stefano, what is supposed to happen by moving the origin of the crop box?

I have heard people mention that you should move this before but I had my doubts that it made any difference.

I did a small experiment leaving it and then moving it and then comparing the two crops using the difference blending mode and my results proved I could move that centre original anywhere inside or OUTside the crop box and it made no difference.

If you try to use perspective crop it is easy to make it get it wrong. I put this down to slight differences in positioning the corner points. In my test I had guide pairs at each corner so I new my crop was snapping to the exact point each time.

I wonder what Steve has to say on this.

Posted on 14/10/10 07:31:15 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6935


Re: Image déformée
The origin marker fixes the optical centre of the area to be cropped. If it's in the wrong place, it's possible to get a distorted result - but the magnitude of the distortion depends on the nature and perspective of the image to be cropped.

By default, the marker snaps to the intersection of lines drawn from the middles of opposite sides. This is, of course, incorrect. The true centre is the intersection of lines drawn from the diagonals, which is why I recommend drawing those diagonals on a new layer first.

When using perspective crop it is easy to get it wrong: but this just comes down to human error - you can't blame Photoshop for this one.

Posted on 14/10/10 6:38:04 PM
Paul 2007 thru 2010
Lego Legend
Posts: 361

Re: Image déformée
Steve Caplin wrote:
the magnitude of the distortion depends on the nature and perspective of the image to be cropped.

I will keep this in mind and if I have trouble with this tool I'll give the centre point a nudge.

Thanks Steve.

Posted on 28/10/10 3:12:03 PM

Re: Image déformée

I also have made a correction lens, and removed the "sepia" tone to make it b/w. I've erased the signature and stamp.

There are men who fight one day, and are good men. There are men who fight a year, and they are better. There are men who fight many years, and they are very good. But there are men who fight all over their lifes. Those are the indispensable.

Bertold Brecht

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