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» Forum Index » Image doctor » Topic: Unbelievable animal hybrids

Posted on 04/01/08 4:07:07 PM
Posts: 3

Unbelievable animal hybrids
I've always been amazed by these works of photoshop. and just wanted tips on how to do it.

I assume the "delephant" or "elephin" would be some deadly combination of clipping masks and the healing tool?
esspecially making the dolphin to have the elephant skin.

And with the Zebra, I'm just guessing but I'd white out the natural stripes, and then on a new layer do some black drawings of trebleclefs? and then it gets tricky.

I think the key thing is how real they look. The Stripes look like the texture of the skin, and dolfin's head has the skin texture of the elephant.

Steve (and others) what are your tips/instructions/methods on how to do this, and how to get the realism.

Posted on 04/01/08 4:41:52 PM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3882


Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids
Friday Challenge?????

Posted on 08/01/08 7:08:31 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6935


Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids
Friday Challenge indeed - there have been several requests for contests such as this. I've resisted it, because I've found this sort of imagery too widespread already.

To answer the original question, this is simply a matter of adjusting the dolphin to match the colour of the elephant, then blending it in with a layer mask. Surprisingly, this sort of job is much easier to do than you might imagine.

The zebra has taken a fair amount of extra work in painting out the stripes with white first, as you suggested; the real skill has come from the sensitive way in which they've been painted back, matching the sense of underlying fur.

Posted on 09/01/08 00:38:30 AM
Collage Critter
Posts: 274


Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids
I'm also interested in this type of manipulation.
If you like, you're welcome to use these images for the challenge.
Perhaps one of these heads:

On this bearded dragon body:

Posted on 09/01/08 11:14:37 PM
ThreeDee Thriller
Posts: 692


Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids
Nice captures, jwhite. What lens did you use on 0258.jpeg?

Posted on 10/01/08 4:19:31 PM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3882


Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids
Not one of my best but I'm working on a 12" laptop with an old 'Hockey Puck" mouse.

Posted on 11/01/08 2:58:35 PM
Collage Critter
Posts: 274


Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids
Tank, Thanks, used either a 300mm or 500mm lens.
GKB, I like it!

Posted on 11/01/08 5:27:35 PM
Posts: 3

Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids
hahah that's brilliant GMK

could you elaborate anymore on the "painting the stripes back" part of the zebra. What tools would you use to shape the stripes, and what would you use to make them replicate the underlying fur?

Posted on 11/01/08 6:12:28 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6935


Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids

To paint the black stripes, I'd go into QuickMask (having first set it to paint the selection, rather than the mask) and then paint the area I want with a small, fairly hard brush - perhaps just off full hardness. Remember, you can use SHIFT and [ or ] to make the brushes harder and softer.

Then I'd use the Smudge tool, with the Spatter brush, set to a low pressure - around 50% or so - to smudge out the edges of the area I'd painted, following the direction in which the fur grows.

When this is all done, I'd exit QuickMask and make a new selection from the white area. This will retain all the texture. Then use Curves to lower the brightness and perhaps increase the contrast, until the new layer matches the tones of the black.

Sounds more complicated than it really is - but then, in an image like this, the execution is more important than the idea.

Posted on 12/01/08 02:49:38 AM
Neil O
Cartoon Contractor
Posts: 389


Re: Unbelievable animal hybrids
Nice job for a hockey puck, Gordon! Can't sympathize with the 12" laptop. It's all I have to work on here! (Maybe some day a bigger display )

"If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is often a step forward".... Thomas Edison

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