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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast

Posted on 22/02/05 4:15:06 PM
Virtual Visualizer
Posts: 238


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
I will submit an entry soon (hopefully).
I have been a bit busy, so I couldn't make it to the last few contests.
I will make up for it with this one though .


Posted on 23/02/05 7:24:09 PM
Posts: 110


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
I really struggled this week. Both technically with the challenge, and also coming up with an idea. Hence my image doesnt really have a theme and I have cheated in terms of not making a full cage for tiddles.

... There is only one difference between a madman and me - The madman thinks he is sane - I know I am mad ...

-Salvador Dali

Posted on 23/02/05 8:16:41 PM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
Ok I couldn't contain myself, I was having withdrawel symptoms!

Not sure if I have overdone it with the bars somewhat (had 52 layers! ), but I assure you that Tiddles is in there somewhere...

Tweety just could not stop himself performing the Solo-Conga once Tiddles, the nastiest cat in town, was safely locked behind bars!

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

Rich Cook.

Posted on 23/02/05 8:22:05 PM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
Forgot to add, this perspective malarky has been sending me over the edge... cant believe I chose an image with a shadow (which I know is not correct but after the millionth adjustment I admit defeat!) just to add to the misery! Can't wait for the Third Edition Steve, just so my head can stop spinning!!!...

... See look, multiple exclaimation marks, a sure sign of being MAD!!!!!

"A positive attitude will not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."

Herm Albright.

Posted on 23/02/05 9:23:30 PM
Posts: 110


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
Not watching the match then Tabs ?

Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.

Groucho Marx (1890-1977)

Posted on 24/02/05 07:06:06 AM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
At 9:23:30 PM 23/02/05, ChrisPucci wrote:
Not watching the match then Tabs ?

The joy of a new house... Sky TV in the Office !!

But then again with last nights result, lets not go there eh??

"She had lost the art of conversation but not, unfortunately, the power of speech."

George Bernard Shaw.

Posted on 24/02/05 4:34:53 PM
Jeff Scranton
Posts: 43

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
There are a lot of nice entrys this week! Here's my humble submission.

Posted on 24/02/05 7:00:32 PM
Image Imaginator
Posts: 250


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
Sorry gang. I just had a last minute play so here's the final version with a meaner looking criminal type cat.

BJ - Photoshop driver just qualified.

Posted on 24/02/05 9:19:26 PM
NW Rain
Posts: 37

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
It's hard to come up with something a little different when attending the party so late in the week, especially when so many are so well done already! Jeff, I guess the kitty can have a smoke, but no light? Poor kitty, just a little tease.

So, here's mine...

Thanks to spitou at stock exchange, used w/o restrictions, for the great eagle image.

Posted on 25/02/05 00:39:49 AM
Pixel Perfector
Posts: 49


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
good stuffs

Posted on 25/02/05 02:24:08 AM
NW Rain
Posts: 37

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
Had a little time, so took a shot at a little perspective. Forgive the background and the right hand corner, ran out of time. It's the practice with the technique that counts, right?

Posted on 25/02/05 08:42:35 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
What an interesting contest this one has turned out to be! So many different approaches, and so much inspiration. Glad to have tempted you back into competing.

An early entry from David Asch (1.38am? What were you thinking of???) started us off, with a great piece of one-point perspective. The wrinkles in front of the cage are great, as are the shadows, and the fact that you've bothered to do the cable ties on the sign in perspective shows real dedication! The sign itself is very artfully shaded, too. But is that sky behind, or a wall? If it's sky, then don't you think your horizon ought to be a little higher?

Maiden's opted for an orthogonal perspective - that's the one where everything's at 90° and either 45° or 30°, depending on your preference. It's fine for graphics work, but tends to look a little unrealistic in photomontage: that could easily have been remedied by squeezing the right hand set of bars slightly. But good shading, a fine concrete texture and a real mean looking pussy cat.

Great perspective and texturing from BobbyJo, with a real sense of distance through that window - and about the most vicious looking cat I've ever seen. Something about this reminds me of those old 3D games like Wolfenstein and Marathon, though. Perhaps it's the texturing on the ceiling? Great job on the brick reveals in the window, that must have taken some time!

When I asked for three point perspective, I wasn't really expecting it… Glen, you've done a great job of making this one work. I especially like your welding technique on the top rail, very nice curve on those corners. Look at that detail! A real lid that opens, complete with hinges! Looks like the cat's thin enough to slip through the bars, though - has it been on a hunger strike?

A fine, moody piece from ChrisPucci this week. I know it's not a full cage, but this image has a real sense of drama to it: and the cat's cowering in the corner nicely. bit of a horizon problem there, once again: if we can see the lid of the cage, then the horizon line should be above it - remember, vanishing points meet on the horizon.

A neat twist from Tabitha, with a really cute entry that almost works perfectly. You've chosen a difficult perspective to match with that table, but it's very nearly there! The perspective and angles on the shadow are excellent - but why aren't the shadows of the bars solid? Are the bars made of glass? Or did you just forget to fill with black?

If ever a cat needed caging, it's Jeff Scranton's. What a mean feline! I wouldn't have thought you could get so much expression into a cat's face. Those bricks are a bit tiny, though, unless the cat's really enormous. Considerate of you to provid a green felt carpet, though - did you have an old snooker table going spare?

I've always gone for surrealism, and NW Rain has given us a great example. Great detailing there, those bars fit inside the beak really well - and the extra set on the far side completes the picture perfectly. Are they all a bit too upright, though? That's a very rectilinear eagle! The perspective on your second entry is pretty good, although a couple of things concern me: first, the cat's about to fal out between those bottom bars, and from the look of that sky I wouldn't want to be anywhere near it. But more importantly, couldn't it just wander out round the back, where there aren't any bars?

Great work, everyone.

Posted on 25/02/05 09:16:42 AM

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
At 08:42:35 AM 25/02/05, Steve Caplin wrote:

An early entry from David Asch (1.38am? What were you thinking of???) started us of..

I'm nocturnal at heart, unfortunately, that rarely fits with the real world!

If it's sky, then don't you think your horizon ought to be a little higher?

I'm not really sure whether it was supposed to be sky or just a backdrop - it was late

It must be Thursday, I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Posted on 25/02/05 09:23:21 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
At 09:16:42 AM 25/02/05, David Asch wrote:
I'm nocturnal at heart, unfortunately, that rarely fits with the real world!

I'm not really sure whether it was supposed to be sky or just a backdrop - it was late

So let me get this straight. You work mainly at night. You don't know what the sky looks like. You always wear black. Hmm… quick! Anyone got Van Helsing's email address?

Posted on 25/02/05 10:06:27 AM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
At 08:42:35 AM 25/02/05, Steve Caplin wrote:

The perspective and angles on the shadow are excellent - but why aren't the shadows of the bars solid? Are the bars made of glass? Or did you just forget to fill with black?

Who me... forget??....Never!

Serves me right for having one eye on the PC and one on the TV!

Ok maybe I should go for the glass theory! Anyone convinced??

I have to say that this challenge bought back memories of my Technical Drawing classes at Secondary school, but then of course I had a drawing board with horizontal slider! Oh and an HB pencil... anyome remember those things or am I showing my age??

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

Rich Cook.

Posted on 25/02/05 10:14:50 AM

Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
At 09:23:21 AM 25/02/05, Steve Caplin wrote:
> At 09:16:42 AM 25/02/05, David Asch wrote:
> I'm nocturnal at heart, unfortunately, that rarely fits with the real world!
> I'm not really sure whether it was supposed to be sky or just a backdrop - it was late

So let me get this straight. You work mainly at night. You don't know what the sky looks like. You always wear black. Hmm… quick! Anyone got Van Helsing's email address?

Do you run midnight seminars?

A happy-go-lucky chap, always dressed in black

Posted on 25/02/05 1:16:15 PM
Montage Maestro
Posts: 282


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
Look at the time it was posted ...... damn you insomnia, makes Davids post look like an early night for me ! and... at posting time I knew the cat was thin but had had enough by then (excuses excuses)

Nice not to be smashing things up or restoring cars though, enjoyed this one.

Put me down for the midnight seminar, I'll bring the garlic

most of the lack of sunshine in our lives is caused by us standing in our own shadow

Posted on 26/02/05 07:37:45 AM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 33: Cage the wild beast
At 08:42:35 AM 25/02/05, Steve Caplin wrote:
Maiden's opted for an orthogonal perspective - that's the one where everything's at 90° and either 45° or 30°, depending on your preference. It's fine for graphics work, but tends to look a little unrealistic in photomontage: that could easily have been remedied by squeezing the right hand set of bars slightly. But good shading, a fine concrete texture and a real mean looking pussy cat.

I wasn't exactly going for photorealism although it may have seemed so because of the use of backdrop. I had chosen an Isometric Perspective on purpose but I had also thrown in a small amount of 2 point perspective, which I'm a little disappointed that you missed, Steve. Oh well, it seems cartoon and photomontage merging didn't work so well - back to the drawing board for inspiration

mad as a badger and twice as furry
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