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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Contest 51: The weighting game

Posted on 27/06/05 3:42:19 PM
Posts: 165


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Glen, Maiden, Neal - I hope that none of us for ANY reason ever have the mischance to bump into this fine fellow, because I for one, would definitely lose control....
I hope he is NOT a photoshopper....

Posted on 27/06/05 5:53:48 PM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
I was watching CrimeWatch UK the other day and they showed CCTV footage of a shadey character taking photos of cardboard cutouts - they say the photographer is wanted for questioning about Photoshop Cheating and 2D trickery

"So the big man was only very thin in reality and made out of cardboard?" Inquired Dr. Watson
"I'm afraid so, elementary photography my dear Watson, elementary!" explained Holmes.

mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 27/06/05 7:04:04 PM
Master Manipulator
Posts: 322

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Maiden you are the best! That is funny. I just stopped laughing after seeing Glen's version, and now this.

Glen, Maiden, Neal - I hope that none of us for ANY reason ever have the mischance to bump into this fine fellow, because I for one, would definitely lose control....

I hope he is NOT a photoshopper....

You know Eventer, I have been getting strange calls late at night.

Posted on 29/06/05 08:42:00 AM
Posts: 4

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Why you cheat like this with us Steve? It´s not enough whith the book´s cheats?

Posted on 29/06/05 1:50:19 PM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Haha Marco nice one. I have to confess at first glance I thought Steve was stuffing a fish down his shirt - so nothing new to report there then

mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 29/06/05 6:22:49 PM
Image Imaginator
Posts: 250


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Here's my go

BJ - Image Imaginator

Posted on 29/06/05 9:27:28 PM

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Haha! Nice one BobbyJo!!

It must be Thursday, I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Posted on 29/06/05 10:32:16 PM
Image Imaginator
Posts: 250


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Thanks David

At 8:27:28 PM 29/06/05, David Asch wrote:
Haha! Nice one BobbyJo!!

BJ - Image Imaginator

Posted on 30/06/05 02:04:37 AM
Master Manipulator
Posts: 322

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
I love it! That's a teriffic job of slimming him down.

Posted on 30/06/05 03:26:31 AM
Master Manipulator
Posts: 322

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
The truth is, he was never fat. My guess is he's auditioning for the Harrod's Santa.

Posted on 30/06/05 03:49:38 AM

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Ok, folks I have almost wet myself laughing at this weeks images. Give me a break please. My wife thinks I have lost it..

Great work from everyone.

-Never met a PS'er I didn't like-
Will Rogers

Posted on 30/06/05 11:12:45 PM
Image Imaginator
Posts: 250


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
My nieghbours think i've lost it

BJ - Image Imaginator

Posted on 01/07/05 09:28:12 AM
Posts: 159


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
*patiently waits Steve's post 'shop analysis*

Why oh why did I wake up so early.

Posted on 01/07/05 09:39:56 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
What a fantastic week! So many brilliant ideas, so much great Photoshop work… I've rarely laughed so much.

Atomicfog got in first, with our guy in exercise mode. Great slimming of the body and, especially, the face - but as always, it's the extras that really make it: the snack bag and remote control in the first frame, the weight and diet drink in the second. And the new arm works a treat!

A classic weight loss job from MJ, bringing this guy into a far more shapely form. Still a little chubby around the jowls, perhaps? But best of all is the way the solution to the missing background issue. The problem: how do you plug the hole where the stomach was? The solution: slide the whole guy forward a couple of feet. And it very nearly worked - just a slight error behind his head mars an otherwise ingenious tactic.

An ambitious task for Dezolat0r, and one that he's made a fair stab at. The texture on the T-shirt and those lower garments (that I'd call trousers but you'd probably call them pants) is a little awkward: it is hard to draw this stuff. The rippling on the stripes is good, and the shading really helps the effect. Perspective is an issue here - especially in that reflection!

A deceptively simple entry from Tabitha, taking the guy's head from the original and placing on a far more convincing body. The skintone matching is perfect - exactly the right shade, so well done there. There's a bit of a harsh line below the jaw, and at the front of the hair: when you're faced with this kind of problem, use the Smooth tool (the one that looks like a water drop) and smudge over the hard edges.

I really laughed out loud at Neal's first entry. Making the guy smaller inside his clothes is a real tour de force, beautifully accomplished. Look at all the detail here: the sleeves now stretch down the forearm, the bag's slung much lower on the body, the trousers (oh, all right, pants, even though in England it means underwear) ruck up over the shoes, the shirt hangs out loosely at the front. And then there's the immaculate patching of the background, too. Fantastic! Second entry was really funny - making the guy even fatter. Taking him away altogether in the third entry (Neal, you're eating up my bandwidth!) was a great idea, but there's a distinct lack of texture where the arm should have been…

I love the nonchalance of the pointing gun in Glen's entry. What a slick piece of work! A touch more shading at the far end of the arm might have slotted it better into the sleeve, though - but this is a minor point, it's a really good gag.

I had to look at maiden's entry several times before I realized what had happened. At first, I was thinking - why does his face look odd? Why is it so pixellated? And then it struck me - she's turned him around. Building the front of someone's face from a side-on shot is an extraordinary task to set yourself, and this is a really convincing attempt. And the second entry is both a great gag and a technical masterpiece - that's exactly the way to simulate CCTV images. I'm full of admiration, Becky - and it's time for a long-overdue title for you. In recognition of your humour and animation skills,you're Golden Gif Gagster from now on.

Glen's Elvis is a real treat - and so convincing it's almost scary. But wait - not a hamburger in sight? Love the shades, though.

A fantastic first entry from Marco, with the guy's face being peeled off to reveal some handsome brute beneath. Best of all is the way he's moved that arm out - perfect patching behind it, and a great angle: the way it springs from halfway through his body really accentuates the guy's bulk. Lovely job!

A truly excellent piece of work from BobbyJo, showing not just slimming but perfectly realigned head positions on both figures. And I think the slimline version works much better without that scraggy beard - the new jaw is immaculately painted in. Lovely job!

Looks like Neal's got time on his hands this week, with a fantastic final joke that explains the fat guy's apparent bulk. The skin tones on that stomach match perfectly - and the pillows look just right. What a great way to end the contest!

Well done, everyone, this has been an exceptional week. Your inventiveness really knocks me out.

Posted on 01/07/05 1:09:37 PM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
You summed up my simple image very well, have to admit that I only spent about 5 mins on it!
My excuse for my quickie... Having to deal with Morning Sickness 24/7!

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

Rich Cook.

Posted on 01/07/05 2:25:36 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
At 12:09:37 PM 01/07/05, Tabitha wrote:
My excuse for my quickie... Having to deal with Morning Sickness 24/7!

Is there something you'd like to share with us?

Posted on 01/07/05 3:39:59 PM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Would the first HTCIPS forum baby get a signed copy of the 3rd Edition??

"She had lost the art of conversation but not, unfortunately, the power of speech."

George Bernard Shaw.

Posted on 01/07/05 3:41:35 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
Only if it's born live on the web!

Congratulations, Tabs! Does this mean you'll be amending your avatar again?

Posted on 01/07/05 4:14:50 PM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
I am a little worried about this baby, its got an addiction already!

As for the AV, I do believe that if I added another one it will appear that I am juggling them...

"There are only two things a child will share willingly; communicable diseases and its mother's age."

Benjamin Spock.

Posted on 01/07/05 5:20:34 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 51: The weighting game
ha ha ha

Looks just like you.

I'd better send you a copy of my Elements for Kids book - looks like you'll be needing it!

And here's a funny thing. Just been asked to do a job for this Sunday's Telegraph - taking a fat woman and making her both thinner and fatter. Life imitating art? Or art imitating Photoshop? Who knows???
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