This week's banner is by lwc from Oklahoma, USA

The Friday Challenge
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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Contest 57: Take me on holiday

Posted on 22/08/05 12:12:17 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 57: Take me on holiday
I'm back, folks - and it's great to see the work you've all been doing in my absence. There were some stunning entries in this week's contest! I particularly enjoyed the new body MJ has given me, although I'm not sure that's a band that would relish an accordionist in its ranks. Bit of a colour match problem though, MJ - you need a good dose of Curves to up the blue content! Second entry was also very fine, and it serves to illustrate a common problem: matching tones is much harder in black and white than it is in colour. But perhaps the musical fit here is better.

A cracking piece of work from maiden, beautifully accomplished in every regard, and a great gag as well. Do I detect the remnants of Charles Laughton inside that Quasimodo? I don't know if you've ever seen the Lindsay Anderson film O Lucky Man, but there's a scene in there where a man has his head grafted onto a pig…

Some truly great watercolour work from David Asch, and a great fit into the scene. Is this done with the Art Brush tool? Or have you run a couple of filters over it? Intriguing work! Ah, just read your reply - smudge and blur, eh? Must have taken a while, but well worth it.

I've never heard of Flaco Jimenez, I have to admit - but Neal's tracked down a couple of cheesy accordionists that certainly fit the bill. Personally I prefer a piano accordion, I really can't get my head around playing buttons with both hands!

And for those of you who are interested, here's the real thing…

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