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The Friday Challenge
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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Contest 50: The first half century

Posted on 20/06/05 10:53:15 PM

Re: Contest 50: The first half century
At 8:59:02 PM 20/06/05, Einstein D Kid wrote:
Why wait?

Because a unified submission stops people using other's ideas. It wouldn't be fair, especially as there are prizes on this one.

It must be Thursday, I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Posted on 21/06/05 00:36:45 AM
Montage Maestro
Posts: 282


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
At 8:59:02 PM 20/06/05, Einstein D Kid wrote:
Why wait?

Stop right there EDK before you become annoying again

most of the lack of sunshine in our lives is caused by us standing in our own shadow

Posted on 21/06/05 08:41:47 AM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Of course there is a simple solution to this problem.

I totally agree with Glen 100% and think it's a great idea, it also gets people to think about what they are going to create rather than jumping upon a bandwagon or theme - not that the members of this website do a lot of that as usually they are all very creative and original. But on a personal note I'm a little tired of seeing multiple entries, something I've been guilty of in the past as well. But it would be so much nicer for each person to play around with ideas on their own computer then submit their best image for the challenge.

Back to the solution. One method of preventing direct or indirect copying of a theme is that your submission (singular not plural) is sent via email direct to Steve or David who then post all the entries on the Friday along with Steve's review. That way we get to see all the entries and how each of us have tackled the problem. That for me would be a far better solution to Glen's great idea - plus it gives us something to look forward to, apart from Steve's insightful review. Steve or David might even be persuaded to write an email newsletter to be emailed to the membership, some of whom seem to have gone very quiet of late (me included).

Of course saying all that, there is another side to the Friday Challenge that we should not overlook and that is, it helps us all review our work and make alteration in a process of learning. So as the Friday Challenge seems to be evolving into more of a competition rather than a challenge then I propose another mini challenge that Steve will set on the theme of a Self-Test, rather like the crack open a egg challenge of all those many months ago. That challenge was a simple one but required us think it through in a self-test kind of way, Steve could be persuaded to set a simple self-test challenge each week (i.e. Stick Tony Blair's head on a gorilla for example) in which the entries could be posted as and when throughout the week for instant peer review and critique (Whoa, Einstein hold yer horses, lad! - keep your comments helpful, constructive and to a single thread) at the end of the Week Steve could post his take on the self-test image and a few comments about the entries.


mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 21/06/05 09:36:44 AM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 50: The first half century
I feel like I have travelled back in time, have we not had this discussion before?

I agree with maiden that the Friday Challenge, has certainly become the Friday Competition since the titles were introduced, and to be honest everyone seems to have become very competitive and territorial about their images, something that I dont seem to remember from a while back. It takes me back to my days at school, leaning over my work to make sure no-one else sees!

We are all at differing levels on this Forum, we are not all Graphic Designers like Glen or (sometimes) irritating teenagers like Einstein (sorry EDK ) , and I think that was what I liked most about his site... it didnt matter!
Sometimes now it seems to!

If I were to be honest my enthusiasm has waned of late not only because of the competitiveness but also with the obsession with perspective on buildings! Drawing perspective lines can be such a drag. How about next time Steve, talking to Adobe and getting them to donate a copy of CS2 as a prize? Complete with nice tools to aid perspective?

"She had lost the art of conversation but not, unfortunately, the power of speech."

George Bernard Shaw.

Posted on 21/06/05 09:50:26 AM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Yes, Tabs in rhetrospect after reading your post I totally agree. My interest has waned more due to the fact of my new job but there is a great deal of competitiveness and not so much support of new beginners as there once were.

You are right in the past it didn't matter if we were inspired by each other's submissions but now it does get a little uncomfortable if two people submit similar ideas.

I too am tired of buildings and perspective and find that my inspiration falls flat when it's another exercise in architectural reconstruction, no offense Steve, but we have had a good run of buildings and street scenes.

In short I'm not sure if my lack of inspiration is due to these current trends on the board or my general tireness and lack of personal time. Probably a combination of both. So I appologise for not contributing as much as I should.

I also feel the titles do make for an atmosphere of 'oneupmanship' and that's why I'm happy to remain titleless.


on a footnote (I write on my feet apparently) It's my Birthday today (I'm sooooo old)

mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 21/06/05 10:07:31 AM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Happy Birthday Maiden, must be a good week because its mine on Thursday!
Yes the age is certainly creeping up, I have even started to lie about it

"There are only two things a child will share willingly; communicable diseases and its mother's into more of a competition rather than a challenge then I propose another mini challenge that Steve will set on the theme of a Self-Test, rather like the crack open a egg challenge of all those many months ago. That challenge was a simple one but required us think it through in a self-test kind of way, Steve could be persuaded to set a simple self-test challenge each week (i.e. Stick Tony Blair's head on a gorilla for example) in which the entries could be posted as and when throughout the week for instant peer review and critique (Whoa, Einstein hold yer horses, lad! - keep your comments helpful, constructive and to a single thread) at the end of the Week Steve could post his take on the self-test image and a few comments about the entries.

<signature>mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 21/06/05 09:36:44 AM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 50: The first half century
I feel like I have travelled back in time, have we not had this discussion before?

I agree with maiden that the Friday Challenge, has certainly become the Friday Competition since the titles were introduced, and to be honest everyone seems to have become very competitive and territorial about their images, something that I dont seem to remember from a while back. It takes me back to my days at school, leaning over my work to make sure no-one else sees!

We are all at differing levels on this Forum, we are not all Graphic Designers like Glen or (sometimes) irritating teenagers like Einstein (sorry EDK ) , and I think that was what I liked most about his site... it didnt matter!
Sometimes now it seems to!

If I were to be honest my enthusiasm has waned of late not only because of the competitiveness but also with the obsession with perspective on buildings! Drawing perspective lines can be such a drag. How about next time Steve, talking to Adobe and getting them to donate a copy of CS2 as a prize? Complete with nice tools to aid perspective?

"She had lost the art of conversation but not, unfortunately, the power of speech."

George Bernard Shaw.

Posted on 21/06/05 09:50:26 AM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Yes, Tabs in rhetrospect after reading your post I totally agree. My interest has waned more due to the fact of my new job but there is a great deal of competitiveness and not so much support of new beginners as there once were.

You are right in the past it didn't matter if we were inspired by each other's submissions but now it does get a little uncomfortable if two people submit similar ideas.

I too am tired of buildings and perspective and find that my inspiration falls flat when it's another exercise in architectural reconstruction, no offense Steve, but we have had a good run of buildings and street scenes.

In short I'm not sure if my lack of inspiration is due to these current trends on the board or my general tireness and lack of personal time. Probably a combination of both. So I appologise for not contributing as much as I should.

I also feel the titles do make for an atmosphere of 'oneupmanship' and that's why I'm happy to remain titleless.


on a footnote (I write on my feet apparently) It's my Birthday today (I'm sooooo old)

mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 21/06/05 10:07:31 AM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Happy Birthday Maiden, must be a good week because its mine on Thursday!
Yes the age is certainly creeping up, I have even started to lie about it

"There are only two things a child will share willingly; communicable diseases and its mother's age."

Benjamin Spock.

Posted on 21/06/05 10:31:06 AM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Happy Birthday for Thursday, Tabs.

Keep 'em guessing at your age and they will never be disappointed.

mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 21/06/05 1:01:21 PM
Posts: 159


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
This is a very interesting discussion... and for some of the points you two have made, I have to agree. When I first signed up to this forum (which wasn't very long ago, I'm still a complete newbie compared to most of the real 'veterans' on this board), the Friday challenges were a lot more 'fresh' and appealing, but over the weeks and days, everything seems to have become a little more stale, so to say. It isn't any particular person's fault at all, and this issue of oneupmanship has definitely played a part. And it certainly isn’t Steve’s fault. Although I will admit the first few challenges were a lot more quirky and entertaining to watch compared than the recent ones, I would imagine that trying to think of a different challenge each week and trying to keep it original is a lot harder than a lot of us have given him credit for. Steve doesn’t HAVE to do these challenges. Hell he could just close the whole forum tomorrow and we couldn’t do a thing about it.
At the risk of sounding like I’m sucking up to the admin and sounding corny, I’d like to remind you guys that this whole thing is (afaik) voluntary, and we owe a big thanks to Steve before we go about criticising his challenges and methods of ‘adminship’ (is that a word? It is now :d).

(Yes… I’m aware how hypocritical those 2 paragraphs were. But I hope you understand what I mean)

Posted on 21/06/05 1:11:49 PM
Montage Maestro
Posts: 282


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Happy Birthday Becky and early Happy Birthday Tabitha. I echo your comments on the perspective thing, objects and people placed in strange situations are always more appealing to me.

Now for a bit that, as I was mentioned by name, I want to say this about - As for differing levels of competence in this forum, that's great, we can all learn from each other (if egos allow us to learn) Just cos I happen to be lucky enough to do design and illustration for a living (and have studied long and hard in order to do it) doesn't mean that I feel I'm somehow above anyone in here or want to be in competition with them. I couldn't give a hoot - PS is a bit of fun and a constant learning too, and if learning can be fun then all the better. To echo you Tabitha - it DOESNT matter really. I find the challenges a bit of light relief to the week that isn't dictated by what the client wants, a chance to have a mess around and try out some new ideas without any pressure or deadlines or some nobhead who THINKS they can design telling me what to do.

I'm not sure if prizes and titles (however much they're wanted or whined on about (E*K take note)) are a good thing cos they now seem to have introduced a competitive edge that isn't needed in here. Then again, if they're taken in the spirit that I reckon they were given in -which too is a bit of fun - then what the hell?

My guess is 25 and 28 respectively by the way

minds are like parachutes - they only work when they are open

Posted on 21/06/05 1:22:50 PM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Happy Birthday Becky and early Happy Birthday Tabitha. I echo your comments on the perspective thing, objects and people placed in strange situations are always more appealing to me. <br>
Now for a bit that, as I was mentioned by name, I want to say this about - As for differing levels of competence in this forum, that's great, we can all learn from each other (if egos allow us to learn) Just cos I happen to be lucky enough to do design and illustration for a living (and have studied long and hard in order to do it) doesn't mean that I feel I'm somehow above anyone in here or want to be in competition with them. I couldn't give a hoot - PS is a bit of fun and a constant learning too, and if learning can be fun then all the better. To echo you Tabitha - it DOESNT matter really. I find the challenges a bit of light relief to the week that isn't dictated by what the client wants, a chance to have a mess around and try out some new ideas without any pressure or deadlines or some nobhead who THINKS they can design telling me what to do. <br>
I'm not sure if prizes and titles (however much they're wanted or whined on about (E*K take note)) are a good thing cos they now seem to have introduced a competitive edge that isn't needed in here. Then again, if they're taken in the spirit that I reckon they were given in -which too is a bit of fun - then what the hell? <br>
My guess is 25 and 28 respectively by the way <img src='/cgi-bin/images/smileys/wink.gif' border='0'> <br>

minds are like parachutes - they only work when they are open<br>

Posted on 21/06/05 10:31:06 AM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Happy Birthday for Thursday, Tabs.

Keep 'em guessing at your age and they will never be disappointed.

mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 21/06/05 1:01:21 PM
Posts: 159


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
This is a very interesting discussion... and for some of the points you two have made, I have to agree. When I first signed up to this forum (which wasn't very long ago, I'm still a complete newbie compared to most of the real 'veterans' on this board), the Friday challenges were a lot more 'fresh' and appealing, but over the weeks and days, everything seems to have become a little more stale, so to say. It isn't any particular person's fault at all, and this issue of oneupmanship has definitely played a part. And it certainly isn’t Steve’s fault. Although I will admit the first few challenges were a lot more quirky and entertaining to watch compared than the recent ones, I would imagine that trying to think of a different challenge each week and trying to keep it original is a lot harder than a lot of us have given him credit for. Steve doesn’t HAVE to do these challenges. Hell he could just close the whole forum tomorrow and we couldn’t do a thing about it.
At the risk of sounding like I’m sucking up to the admin and sounding corny, I’d like to remind you guys that this whole thing is (afaik) voluntary, and we owe a big thanks to Steve before we go about criticising his challenges and methods of ‘adminship’ (is that a word? It is now :d).

(Yes… I’m aware how hypocritical those 2 paragraphs were. But I hope you understand what I mean)

Posted on 21/06/05 1:11:49 PM
Montage Maestro
Posts: 282


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Happy Birthday Becky and early Happy Birthday Tabitha. I echo your comments on the perspective thing, objects and people placed in strange situations are always more appealing to me.

Now for a bit that, as I was mentioned by name, I want to say this about - As for differing levels of competence in this forum, that's great, we can all learn from each other (if egos allow us to learn) Just cos I happen to be lucky enough to do design and illustration for a living (and have studied long and hard in order to do it) doesn't mean that I feel I'm somehow above anyone in here or want to be in competition with them. I couldn't give a hoot - PS is a bit of fun and a constant learning too, and if learning can be fun then all the better. To echo you Tabitha - it DOESNT matter really. I find the challenges a bit of light relief to the week that isn't dictated by what the client wants, a chance to have a mess around and try out some new ideas without any pressure or deadlines or some nobhead who THINKS they can design telling me what to do.

I'm not sure if prizes and titles (however much they're wanted or whined on about (E*K take note)) are a good thing cos they now seem to have introduced a competitive edge that isn't needed in here. Then again, if they're taken in the spirit that I reckon they were given in -which too is a bit of fun - then what the hell?

My guess is 25 and 28 respectively by the way

minds are like parachutes - they only work when they are open

Posted on 21/06/05 1:22:50 PM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 50: The first half century
I didn't wish to imply that Steve has gone stale with the challenges and I do appreciate it is a very difficult job for him to keep thinking up a new challenge each week and I certainly appreciate that he has brought us this website and has been helpful out of sheer kindness to his readership, something many other authors should learn from.

If I came across as griping or whinging then I appologise for not expressing myself more clearer. I wish I had more time on my hands to submit an entry every now and again as I'm a firm believe in doing rather than sitting back and complaining about how it's lost the 'fun' element to it. However, apart from the time I'm a little low on inspiration otherwise I would bring you another maiden comedy image

mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 21/06/05 1:23:50 PM

Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Hi Folks,
I would like to put my two cents worth in.

The Encarta Dictionary: English (North America) Dictionary, defines Challenge (noun) as: "An invitation to somebody to compete in a fight, contest, or competition."

I have always considered a challenge to be a competition. How you handle the competition is the key. Steve does a fantistic job of keeping the forum in line. I have come to appreciate Steve's patience with everyone, and the ability to come up with something for us to work on each week. I am Adminstrator for a small forum and I have just started posting a challenge for Illustrator and PS each week. Folks, that is NOT an easy job. Thank you Steve for the many ideas you have come up with. Sending E-mail to David or Steve will just serve to put more work on them to sort out and then post them.

I for one do not think someone has copied or used my idea when I post here. If someone can take my idea and do me one better then I feel honored that I had a good idea. (If indeed they did use my idea). There are only so many ideas that float around, and being a group of like mind that is going to happen. When it happens we should not be offended. If my idea was along the same lines I do not feel that I should not post it, but at least let the person know you were thinking alike.

The group here comes from different countries, backgrounds, occupations, cultures, gender and age ( ages range from 13 to 61 that I know of) With that kind of diversity there are bound to be differences of opinion and some banter between us. This is Steve's forum for us and he will never keep all of us happy, and them's the facts.

Thank you again Steve for allowing us to participate here and to provide us with the opportunity to further our education in Photoshop.

Happy Birthday Maiden and Tabitha... Many Many more.

------ MJ

-Never met a PS'er I didn't like-
Will Rogers

Posted on 21/06/05 4:31:38 PM
tabitha 1

Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Steve- I hope that you have not taken my comments as a slur on your site. I really, truthfully did not mean it to be taken in that manner. What you do here is amazing, and I dont know of any other author who takes such pains to help his readers!
I only mentioned the perspective matter because I want a copy of CS2, and because I really am sick of drawing perspective lines (badly in the most case!)

Glen- I also hope you dont think that I was implying that you make out you are better than us mere mortals. I only chose your name because I know what you do for a living and therefore a helpful marker for my comment! BTW flattering me with saying I am in my 20's will not make me give away the truth

Have to say that this board has been lacking this banter for a while, its good (well partly) to see it back! Atomic where are you??

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winningtainly appreciate that he has brought us this website and has been helpful out of sheer kindness to his readership, something many other authors should learn from.

If I came across as griping or whinging then I appologise for not expressing myself more clearer. I wish I had more time on my hands to submit an entry every now and again as I'm a firm believe in doing rather than sitting back and complaining about how it's lost the 'fun' element to it. However, apart from the time I'm a little low on inspiration otherwise I would bring you another maiden comedy image
<signature>mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 21/06/05 1:23:50 PM

Re: Contest 50: The first half century
Hi Folks,
I would like to put my two cents worth in.

The Encarta Dictionary: English (North America) Dictionary, defines Challenge (noun) as: "An invitation to somebody to compete in a fight, contest, or competition."

I have always considered a challenge to be a competition. How you handle the competition is the key. Steve does a fantistic job of keeping the forum in line. I have come to appreciate Steve's patience with everyone, and the ability to come up with something for us to work on each week. I am Adminstrator for a small forum and I have just started posting a challenge for Illustrator and PS each week. Folks, that is NOT an easy job. Thank you Steve for the many ideas you have come up with. Sending E-mail to David or Steve will just serve to put more work on them to sort out and then post them.

I for one do not think someone has copied or used my idea when I post here. If someone can take my idea and do me one better then I feel honored that I had a good idea. (If indeed they did use my idea). There are only so many ideas that float around, and being a group of like mind that is going to happen. When it happens we should not be offended. If my idea was along the same lines I do not feel that I should not post it, but at least let the person know you were thinking alike.

The group here comes from different countries, backgrounds, occupations, cultures, gender and age ( ages range from 13 to 61 that I know of) With that kind of diversity there are bound to be differences of opinion and some banter between us. This is Steve's forum for us and he will never keep all of us happy, and them's the facts.

Thank you again Steve for allowing us to participate here and to provide us with the opportunity to further our education in Photoshop.

Happy Birthday Maiden and Tabitha... Many Many more.

------ MJ

-Never met a PS'er I didn't like-
Will Rogers
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