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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Contest 135: Gordon's pond

Posted on 27/02/07 3:04:44 PM
Centenary Challenger
Posts: 213


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond
Char I absolutely LOVE your work!! You are a fantastic artist. I wish I had half your talent!!

Thanks for the compliment Alice. Harvey is my niece's puppy. I'm sure he's a LOT bigger now! He was actually eating from that bowl so he was pretty tiny this summer when the picture was taken.


Posted on 27/02/07 11:19:27 PM

Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond

In Photobucket below each image is a url link, an html tag, and an
img code. If you click on the img code it will copy. then go to the forum and past this into the message area and your image is attached. Thats it.


"I haven't failed.... I've found 10,000 ways that don't work!" Thomas Edison

Posted on 28/02/07 02:16:30 AM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond
Wonderful Char, I had thought of Fairies, but after seeing yours, I'm very happy that I instead had decided to give GKB some land, with plane and dog.

Posted on 28/02/07 02:43:54 AM
Incisive Incisor
Posts: 799


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond
thank you all for the photbucket hints

Posted on 28/02/07 2:52:46 PM
Ben Mills
Luminous Luminary
Posts: 570


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond
michael sinclair wrote:

It's impossible to tell that image has ever been photoshopped (no capital P as I'm using "photoshopped" as a verb), and, therefore, has to be at least the most realistic--isn't that what's it's about?


Thank you Michael. It was good of you to comment. I'm glad you can't see the joins. One of my big problems is that I never know when the job is done and when to stop fiddling with the image.


Posted on 01/03/07 06:59:57 AM
Texture Technologist
Posts: 401


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond
Hot springs.

Posted on 01/03/07 9:19:01 PM
Q Quipper
Posts: 674


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond
What if Gerry Anderson went into pond design after Thunderbirds and was freelancing for NASA on the side ...

Posted on 01/03/07 10:04:36 PM
Q Quipper
Posts: 674


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond

Posted on 02/03/07 08:41:21 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6935


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond
Some inspired solutions this week. Wonder if Gordon's going to implement any of them...

First to dip his coy carp in the water was bonyman, with a beautifully created prehistoric scene. Cangastic blending, I love the big T Rex in the foreground, and great recolouring of the original. By the way, Callum, there's a high res version of the original you could have worked with - click the word 'here' in the intro.

A charming rustic idyll from mguyer, who's sadly given up inserting himself in his images. But it's a great git in there, even though the trees don't seem to want to reflect in the pond. Cute swan! But I wish horses wouldn't always mug for the camera like that.

A seriously dangerous entry from james, with crocs aplenty terrorozing the fish (which seem to be floating just above the surface). Couple of points, James: the grass needs to be smudged up over the stone a little, unless Gordon's an amazingly neat gardener; and there's no 'e' on hazardous. Plenty going on in the animated second entry - I'm certainly intrigued by whatever's leaping up that waterfall!

A lakeside setting is Steve Mac's solution, and the wildlife and flowers do fit in there well. Extra marks for reflecting the sky and treetops in the pond, and for blending the two reflections together seamlessly.

Michael Sinclair's given us an epic, with a multi-frame tale of bulldozers, giant lilies, more crocodiles, and an unseemly demise for GKB. A huge amount of effort, as always - but wasn't Gordon's pond supposed to be in there? I love the second entry - a real tour de force, it must have taken ages. I particularly like the way the girl in the front has her breasts jiggle as she lifts her arm. It's deceptive, this one: lifting the arms meant patching everything underneath, a far from simple job. What a great sentiment!

And GKB himself has waded in, with a fantasy that must give us all pause for thought: four middle aged ladies drinking beer? Good heavens, Gordon, what if Mrs GKB found out? Crystal clear water, though, I like that.

Some very subtle sand blending from dave.cox, with a hose neatly snaking through the ripples. i think I'd have added a little more, you know, golden sand colour, but otherwise this works a treat. And, perhaps, the perspective of the sand could match that of the pond a little more closely?

A fun-packed scene from Vicho, with a beautifully reflected rubber duck. Slight problem with the other kids, though: they dodon’tst reflections, but the rocks behind them do. Hmm. Tricky stuff, water.

Some serious planting from Dirtdoctor23, with an array of trees and shrubs that fill out the space perfectly - complete with reflections. A small problem here: the tree's reflected at a low opacity, but we can see the reflection of the wall through it. nitpicking, or what? Lovely light beams.

Pauline's given us a colourful tropical paradise, with so much foliage there must be a full time staff to look after them. Very entertaining, with great splashes from the waterfall. I'm not even going to mention that we can still see the reflection of the original wall. Oh, it just slipped out.

Not only a fine hedge, but a magnificent creature from the black lagoon in Neal's take on the problem. A great fit - but again, we can see the reflection of the hedge behind the creature, in front of the creature...

The still version of char's entry is beautiful to look at. But the animation is simply stunning: what a gorgeous piece of work! Char, this is wonderful. It's not just your skill, but your whole approach that makes this so good. As Gordon says - spectacular!

Great extra layers in Ben Mills' entry - the statue above, the lilies on the surface, the goldfish beneath. Reminds me of a great M C Escher engraving. Shame we can still see the reflection of the original wall in there... otherwise, a seamless job. As Michael says, it's hard to tell it has been photoshopped. (And Adobe will kill me for using that word.)

Now that others have stuck in the crocodile, what is there for jwhite to do? Not an animal in sight - other than the tiny frog on the left. A great setting, although this must be a pretty weird garden to relax in.

Whaler seems to be suggesting that Gordon sells up and moves to a marina - taking his patch of turf with him, of course. Good to see it's well stocked with fish.

Perfect perspective from vibeke, with excellent reflections (no hint of that wall!) and grass that works all the way around. Look out! Bandits at 11 o'clock! Great reflection of the plane, too.

A rather beautiful snow scene from Tom, who's given up fantasy textures this week in favour of a more photorealistic approach/ The snow creeping over the stone is perfect!

And a tremendous gag from BigVern: the space shuttle works a treat as Thunderbird One, complete with billowing smoke. And the way the pond surface has slid halfway across is excellent. What a hoot! Good work, Vern!

Posted on 02/03/07 09:50:14 AM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: Contest 134: Gordon's pond
Steve Caplin wrote:
Some inspired solutions this week. Wonder if Gordon's going to implement any of them...

Whaler seems to be suggesting that Gordon sells up and moves to a marina - taking his patch of turf with him, of course. Good to see it's well stocked with fish.

A small correction Steve, my suggestion was maybe not to sell up and move. Rather, I am merely suggesting Gordon to build a (very much) larger pond, with features like boating and fishing included. Since Gordon lives in south of England it seems feasible to have palms and the works around the pond.


Posted on 02/03/07 12:23:23 PM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3882


Re: Contest 135: Gordon's pond
Thanks Steve.
Mrs GKB and I have decided to adopt Char's design and we are now advertising for staff.

Posted on 02/03/07 12:35:35 PM
Steve Mac
Grunge Genie
Posts: 539


Re: Contest 135: Gordon's pond
Thanks Steve. I like how you tied the last two challenges together with the reflections theme. At least it happened to work out that way from this end. Tricky they can be at times.

Steve Mac

Posted on 02/03/07 1:15:15 PM

Re: Contest 135: Gordon's pond
Thanks, Mr. Caplin. Boy you don't miss a thing, do you? I didn't even notice the wall showing through the tree until I read your critique. Thanks again. It helps a bunch having you show me whats needed to make it better.

"I haven't failed.... I've found 10,000 ways that don't work!" Thomas Edison

Posted on 02/03/07 4:21:18 PM
Collage Conquistador
Posts: 141


Re: Contest 135: Gordon's pond
jejejejejeje.....Thanks very much,Steve!(You're making me blush!heh,heh,heh)And I'm glad that you like my landscaping so much,Gordon!Let me know if you get any replies to your ad!If not, I can send you a few!Can't have a garden without fairies at its bottom!

Posted on 02/03/07 7:55:55 PM
michael sinclair
Off-Topic Opportunist
Posts: 1818


Re: Contest 135: Gordon's pond
Actually, the "cheering" crowd was a "quickie" that was meant only to be an accolade to Char-da Vinci and not an entry.

As for the animated gif, I simply duplicated the image, nudged the top image by a few pixels, and temporarily reduced its opacity, whereby I erased everything except the arms...and one breast for the effect you saw--one of my truly rushed jobs


Posted on 03/03/07 4:07:26 PM
Q Quipper
Posts: 674


Re: Contest 135: Gordon's pond
Thanks for the kind words Steve.

Posted on 04/03/07 06:42:59 AM
Texture Technologist
Posts: 401


Re: Contest 135: Gordon's pond
Thanks for the mention, Steve.
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