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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Contest 171: Clean up this mess

Posted on 07/11/07 11:02:18 PM
Posts: 16


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
You ROCK JJ for a beginner. I didn't do this welll after several years of playing. WELL DONE.

Progenic wrote:
Ok my very first attempt at something in photoshop (apart from colour adjustments in my photos that is). I must say i found this very difficult but as a first time effort after using PS for 2 weeks im not going to be too hard on myself, but thought i should join in all the same.


Posted on 07/11/07 11:45:28 PM
Ovoid Opportunist
Posts: 797


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
The mortgage went up and I just ran out of money..........

Posted on 08/11/07 05:46:36 AM
Posts: 22


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Alright here's mine thankfully I was able to work on it for a change hope ya'll like it...


Posted on 08/11/07 5:56:05 PM
Posts: 104


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess

thanks for the comment hun.....

i just hate execpting second best (which drives my wife insane lol) and i have to keep on doing something till i get it right. Not that im saying my first effort is right (i think its pretty poor really) but i wont give up now till i master photoshop ;-)

give a dog a bone as they say, so bring it on steve im ready for more learning.


Posted on 08/11/07 6:29:10 PM
Pastiche Painter
Posts: 108


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Progenic... I agree with what you're saying... not accepting second best and all... I think that's why I got a bit frustrated with this one (having an unusually difficult time with getting proper perspective with flooring and baseboard... so crumple!)

Whaler... sorry, missed your comment... Pretty sever flooding there? I remember seeing something on the news, but with the wildfires here recently, it kind of got pushed to the back of the mind.

Drawing attention to what otherwise might be overlooked... emphasizing things that matter.

Posted on 08/11/07 7:49:09 PM
Brian Ruddock
Detail Devil
Posts: 31


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
This one was really difficult! I got so immersed I forgot a window!

Posted on 09/11/07 07:50:24 AM
Posts: 1

Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
First time posting! I'm a novice freelancer (with emphasis on 3d and virtual reality content) and I just recently upgraded to CS3 - been working with Photoshop for about 2 years. Love the book, learning a lot of new tricks from it.

This is a really complex chalange! There's more I'd have liked to do with mine (cable strips, furniture) but there's other deadlines to meet.

Cliff notes:
- I kept as much of the original lighting as possible but to bring out the detail in the very dark corners and super-glare areas required a lot of levels and color correction.
- First time using Vanishing point! To make it work well I also had to apply a lens correction (apparently the same camera and settings from the perspective crop tutorial)
- Median filter was the best thing for sorting out the smears on the far wall, whiteboard and ceiling, followed by brightness and color corrections. It preserved the shadows well enough but I had to desaturate them and add yellow back to get rid of the resulting color casts. The popcorn ceiling is a seperate layer run through Texturizer and set to soft light for a more finished look.

Posted on 09/11/07 08:45:13 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6945


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
First to put on the pinafore this week was GKB, with a spotless office. Lovingly rebuilt walls - although I'm not sure about extending them across the ceiling, Gordon. A well restored radiator, and I like the idea of rebuilding file cabinets out of that single drawer, and the lighting strips are excellent. Some texture on the floor, perhaps? I do like the view in the second entry.

A moodier environment from Meltonian, who's retained much of that shadow - and come out with a neat line in polystyrene ceiling tiles. The window effect works really well, and the 'clean me' on the board is a nice touch. I like the fact that the radiator remains grubby in this office - but watch the shadows around the door! That wall looks like it's floating.

A makeover in progress from Elliott - I like the Lichtenstein print, the blue stained walls are interesting and that's a very convincing carpet. Top marks for the reflection of the carpenter in the window - needs to be brought forwards a touch, though.

A great wall, ceiling and carpet from CharlotteBabb: but is the wall still too dark at the near end? That's a neat little Christmas tree on the table, but you do need to watch your perspectives - particularly on the table top. The top and bottom of the wall, and the window, give you your perspective lines there.

Ricky Gervais fits perfectly into tooquilos's office - and the animated version shows the progress nicely. Excellent carpet and ceiling, and the glow round the light is perfect. A slightly confusing reflection in the far window - either that, or the lights in the other room are going through the doorway.

This is, apparently, Progenic's first stab at a Photoshop montage: well, it's an excellent first attempt! Sure, there are one or two dodgy areas - the tricky distortion on the ceiling, for instance - but this is excellent work, with a radiator that fits the wall perfectly, a neatly rebuilt wall, and a new stone floor. And the shadow is a very nice touch. If this is your first go, Johnny, I can't wait to see how you'll be after a couple of months! Keep joining in the Challenge, that's my advice.

Very tasty work from vibeke - I especially like the rippled glass on the nearby window. When repeating the effect on the far window, though, you need to make the ripples very much smaller! A great carpet and ceiling, and the man at the desk looks good. The really tricky part, though, is getting the perspective of the tops of the filing cabinets. It's very close, but not quite there. And yet you do have clues to the vanishing point in this dimension: the strip light, the shelves, the far window, all point this way.

Some very meticulous restoration from Neil O. (That's the second builder we've had in this week, after Progenic. Should have got a quote from the pair of you.) Everything's neatly back in place, but you do need to examine the floor: without any texture, it's just a wash of colour.

A first entry from joseantonio - and there's a huge amount going on here! Some excellent touches: the window reflection, the opened door, the new bookshelf, the magazine covers, the view of London through the window... but do watch out for things like the filing cabinet in the foreground: all the sides are pointing the wrong way! And if the floor is shiny enough to reflect the plant, it should reflect all the furniture as well. A great first entry - welcome to the Forum, Jose.

An excellent gag from maiden: the Dimensions skeleton really cracked m up. And I recognise that receptionist - she's from the Dodge and Burn tutorial, right? With so much going on, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that this is an excellent rebuilding project as well. The wall, carpet, radiator, ceiling and lights are perfect: great work, Becky.

A great animation from james: the manipulation of the nearby cleaner is fantastic, a real tour de force. Not entirely sure about the stoneclad wall for purely aesthetic reasons, but the restoration has proceeded well! The cartoon ladder seems a little out of place. But tell me - does the cat get the mouse? It seems to happen out of shot! Great stuff, James.

Fine restoration from Claude37, with an excellent wall and ceiling and some good extra touches: the woman in the doorway, the painter in the next room, the sheet under the paint tines, the hint of light on the window. Be careful with your figure shading, though: the architect is too heavily shaded on the right, in too straight a line. The only thing to watch out for with Vanishing Point is that you don't get a repeating pattern, though!

A thorough clean-up job from katew, with a very good wall and a door that seems just right for the job. I like the water cooler, but you need to watch your perspective on the view through the window: bring the secretary down a touch! The way she's half obscured by the open window is excellent, but if I was her I'd stop typing and clean that glass.

A partial makeover from loonybox: the addition of a highly patterned carpet and new chairs, as well as the new clock, is a good idea. But isn't the ceiling rather black still? I particularly like the idea of the light-illuminated dust beneath the skylight, and that's a good glow on the light. The contractor pointing to it does draw the eye well, but watch your scale: he's huge, compared to the size of the door!

Having some trouble figuring out what the woman in Steve Mac's entry is holding: is that a giant paintbrush? She'd better watch out for drips. I really like the next door office, although the colour seems a little at odds with the pink we see through the doorway; but top marks for the view of the stairs through both the window and the glass door! A great reflection in the near window, too, that gives it a real sense of presence.

Not what was ordered, perhaps, but Whaler's entry cracked me up: that water looks so appropriate in the room, and so well shaded - especially like the floating file drawer. The edge seems a little too hard, though: perhaps the slightest amount of softness needed here?

A clean and precise room from new member gaoxiguo, who joins us all the way from China. The ceiling lights are a good idea, although I'm not sure a black ceiling is suitable for the room: you need some hint of texture or shading in there to make it real. But the light on the carpet from the skylight does work well, and the wall texture is well achieved. Welcome to the forum, ???.

It may look like a cop-out, but hi-liter's entry is well achieved: having crumpled many pieces of paper in the past, I can assure you that it's a much harder job than you might imagine. A great concept, beautifully realised - right down to the folder name. Excellent!

A partial restoration from Eggbox: a good wall (but watch that the verticals on the panels match the verticals on the window), a cork board that seems to have spread to cover the entire far wall, a new carpet and a tasty new radiator. You need to glaze that window, Ted, and add a door: some ceiling texture would help greatly, as well. And too much perspective on the light switches!

Looks like JRogue is starting from the bottom and working up: we have a carpet, new radiator, new wood panels and even pictures ont eh wall, but the ceiling is still smoke blackened - and the next door office could do with some lighting! I lik the fact that you've put texture in the carpet, but when it's as distinct as this you do need to make sure it recedes in perspective further back in the scene.

Very clean walls and ceiling from Brian Ruddock, and the next door office looks good through that glazed window. But, as I've said a few times this week, you need more texture in the carpet! And when creating new surfaces from scratch, it's important to pay attention to the saturation. In this case, it rather overwhelms the scene, and looks too artificial: desaturate this back to reality!

Our final entry this week is from new member Elle, and it's a good start: the glazed window with rippled glass, the textured carpet and ceiling, the rebuilt walls and radiator, all work well. Very neatly closed cupboard in the next room! There's still some work to be done on this room - the broken cable trunking on the extreme right, and the ceiling's still rather patchy - but this is a great first entry. Welcome to the forum!

Posted on 09/11/07 08:55:45 AM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3893


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Good morning Steve,
I was going to do a completely different ceiling but then I realised that this was an ideal exercise in the use of the vanishing point in a second plane. I stuck with it as this was the first time I had had an opportunity to do this. Having done that I do, now, see a better way of doing it using a much larger section of wall. A good learning point.
Building those drawers was not easy with the resolution available.
The view, by the way, is by the village green in Ditchling where I live.

Posted on 09/11/07 09:18:39 AM
Ovoid Opportunist
Posts: 797


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thanks for your thoughts as ever, Steve. I told the electrician to go easy with the perspective thingy on those sockets, but would he listen? The window glazing, a new wood door and an artex ceiling were on the cards but, as I say, I ran out of money!


Posted on 09/11/07 09:34:44 AM
Surreal Spoofer
Posts: 1194


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Good morning Steve;

Bright and sunny here, not sure about the mouse, I'll need to ask the cat. Enjoy the day.

Posted on 09/11/07 09:36:32 AM
Brian Ruddock
Detail Devil
Posts: 31


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thanks, Steve. A really good challenge. Thanks, everyone, for some really interesting entries!

Posted on 09/11/07 09:43:59 AM
Posts: 7


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thank you Steve to comment each individual entries! A tough job but very useful. Well done everybody ; some images are absolutely amazing.

Posted on 09/11/07 09:58:39 AM
Virtual Virtuoso
Posts: 678


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thanks Steve. I really enjoyed doing this one, although it was loads of work!

Posted on 09/11/07 10:17:58 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2864


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thank you Steve. Enjoyed doing this one.

Posted on 09/11/07 11:08:31 AM
Souris superbe
Posts: 46


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thank you Steve! Your eye is very accurate! True, I met some difficulties with the tool "Vanishing Point". I had not used it before and I still need to train with.
Congratulations everybody!
I will look after your birthday's presents.
Next Friday in Paris?

Posted on 09/11/07 11:56:48 AM
Neil O
Cartoon Contractor
Posts: 389


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thanks, Steve. This was a very testing challenge.

"I haven't failed.... I've found 10,000 ways that don't work!" Thomas Edison

Posted on 09/11/07 12:23:30 PM
Steve Mac
Grunge Genie
Posts: 539


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thanks Steve. The woman is actually cleaning the window. That is a squeegie (however you spell it) she is holding. Great challenge this week!

Posted on 09/11/07 12:33:29 PM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thanks Steve, yes the receptionist is the girl from your CD (Dodge & Burn excercise) in fact every character in my picture is from your CD modified in one way or another, i was partcularly pleased with turning the Security Guard from the Perspective Tututorial into a normal suited guy without a hat (who bears a remarkable resemblence to Neil O, allegedly )

Posted on 09/11/07 12:43:47 PM
Mirror Magician
Posts: 91


Re: Contest 171: Clean up this mess
Thank you Steve, the mirror magician shouldn't be getting reflections wrong!
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