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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Contest 68: Emergency rescue

Posted on 24/10/05 6:52:26 PM
Persistent Pixellator
Posts: 623


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
I have had a boring weekend, i have to do something!

Quote From Family Guy:
2 Plus 2 is Foourrr, 2 Plus 2 is Foourrr, 2 Plus 2 is Foourrr.

Posted on 24/10/05 7:32:30 PM
Posts: 18

Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
could not figure how to get file size down so ijust made the picture tiny hope you can see it

Posted on 24/10/05 7:38:54 PM
Incisive Incisor
Posts: 799


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
Dear Lexus, the car is so bright because of the moonlight. Anyways, Kenny wins.

Posted on 24/10/05 7:40:53 PM
Persistent Pixellator
Posts: 623


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
good one kenny, well done m

Quote From Family Guy:
Oh I Would Like Some Cake, Oh I Would Like Some Cake, Oh I Would Like Some Cake, Oh I Would Like Some Cake.

Posted on 24/10/05 8:46:58 PM
Incisive Incisor
Posts: 799


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
another idea from THE BOOK!

Posted on 25/10/05 12:37:01 PM
Persistent Pixellator
Posts: 623


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
Oh I forgot about that, so much for you not entering this week Martin!

I have for some reason appeared to have filled the latest post bits with my name!

Quote From Family Guy:
2 Plus 2 is Foourrr, 2 Plus 2 is Foourrr, 2 Plus 2 is Foourrr.

Posted on 25/10/05 12:42:31 PM
Apocalyptic Artisan
Posts: 175


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
Thanks for all the positive comments guys. As for the back ground pic ... it was taken by me, driving through a tunnel in Italy last month, during a high speed escape from landslides and major flooding in Switzerland! ... I kid you not!

Posted on 27/10/05 11:40:11 PM
Collage Critter
Posts: 274


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
Here's mine

Posted on 28/10/05 09:55:39 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
Looks like everyone's had a busy week - and some really good lighting up of those flashing lights.

Lexus gave us a great sucking gag in the first of his many posts this week. (You really need to use a spell checker, you know!) His vacuum cleaner GIF flashed really well, and the car in the snow was a good stab at a difficult scenario (you might find a bit of Noise would help to put some texture detail into that one). Good attempt at putting the car in shade in the second entry - but it's a deep blue shade, and you've made the car too yellow! Need to match those hues as well as the overall brightness. I liked the cartoon in the third entry, but - as maiden said - remember to flip that writing! Although, to be fair, when you flipped the image Becky you unded up with the Cafe Bar sign the wrong way round! I liked the lighting on the last entry, especially the blue glow on the roof. Looks like you took some time over this one!

Great facial distortion from maiden (I get so used to seeing my mugshot showing up here) and a great gag, too. The lights are much better in the second version, and the headlights and overall shading are excellent! Particularly liked the red glow on the wall from the light, good attention to detail there.

A great first entry from mguyer. That speeding car has a fine sense of movement to it. The lights are perhaps a little blob-like, but that was fixed in the second version. Do you think, perhaps, some headlight beams would have helped this one? A little confused about the rivers of lava in the later entries, though…

Always good to welcome a new member, especially one whose work is as strong as Dek_101's. A fantastic sense of motion on this car, and I really like the way it's been distorted to follow the angle of the tunnel. The stream of tail light is a real bonus here, and the bleaching out in the glare of the headlights was a brave and effective move. Fantastic work, Dek!

Good to see joshspazjosh back in here after a prolonged absence. Interesting approach! Those lights are certainly lit up, but it's a curious approach to speed. That juddering makes me think ithe car has a carburettor problem. Perhaps a longer Motion Blur, and only one copy?

A good night view from Atomicfog, with good headlights and overall shading - but, once again, those juddering back wheels. This really is a tricky thing to get right. Also, a car going at that speed really should have a driver, you know. Oh, there he is in the second entry - a great improvement, and a major contribution to road safety.

Beautiful work from Siouxie, with a graphic technique that entirely unifies the car with its background. It's hard to get this style to work, but this is a classic example of how good it can look. Greatly helped, of course, by the perfect perspective match between the car and the background! Perhaps you'd walk us through the filters you used to create this effect?

Welcome, also to David Sullivan, with an enthusiastic flashing GIF animation. The lights themselves work fine, but the red and blue glows seem to darken the surroundings rather than lighening them! It's an easy mistake, to make the glow the same shade as the lights themselves - but it should, of course, be very much brigher. A night time scene would have helped this image a lot. A good try, though, and the perspective's a great match for the background.

I really liked Neal's first entry - the glare on the lights matches that on the traffic lights behind really well. There's something odd about the shine from the headlights, though, that I can't quite put my finger on. I think it's that if the beams were visible at all, it would be due to fog or dust particles in the air - in which case, wouldn't they be visible over a much longer distance? The second entry, though, is a real classic - with great lighting, a driver for the car (at last!) and some truly convincing reflections. Great stuff!

Contrary to Born2Run's implications, I'm a remarkably safe driver, with only a couple of speeding tickets in the last few years. but given a hot rod like that, who knows what might happen… a great image, and I really like the detail of the visible engine and detached lighting bar on the police car! The texture matching is also really good on this image, which helps to unify all the elements.

I don't know why John's car is part submerged, but it's well created effect with good reflections and masking. The damp has obviously affected the electrical system - those lights aren't so much flashing as limping into life every few seconds. Need a little more speed there, John! That flashing's not going to clear the traffic!

A fair attempt to match the perspective in kenny's entry, that very nearly works. This is the kind of job that could be accomplished far more easily with the Image Warp feature of CS2, which would allow the front and the side of the car to be distorted independently while remaining part of the same layer. Like the motion blur and the roof lights and headlights are excellent. Not sure about the way the rear of the car is melting into the distance, though. But the animation works really well in the second entry - not just the sequencing of the lights (good attention to detail, that) but the separate glow and lens flare for each flash. Really great work, kenny!

I really like the deer in jwhite's entry - the angle and pose match the road sign perfectly, which is very nicely observed. That car could do with its shadow back, though; it looks too detached from the road at present. And surely that isn't Joanna Lumley at the wheel???

Posted on 01/11/05 09:16:30 AM
Posts: 12


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
Tanks for the great comment Steve

hm there where a lots of them, and a lot of adjustment, but iŽll try to open my ps and go through it again, so i can explain it to everyone, if you like. Where would be the best thing to post it then?

See you in hell...

Posted on 01/11/05 11:55:27 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
At 09:16:30 AM 01/11/05, Siouxie wrote:
Tanks for the great comment Steve

hm there where a lots of them, and a lot of adjustment, but iŽll try to open my ps and go through it again, so i can explain it to everyone, if you like. Where would be the best thing to post it then?

In the Readers' Gallery section, I suppose - as long as you're sure you can be bothered to do this! I don't want to create a lot of extra work for you. But it is a great technique!

Posted on 01/11/05 6:53:09 PM
Posts: 12


Re: Contest 68: Emergency rescue
iŽll surly have some time this week for a quick tutorial
ok than iŽll post it into the readers gallery when its done

See you in hell...
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