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The Friday Challenge
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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Challenge 862: The mystery shop

Posted on 25/06/21 07:57:09 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6889


Re: Challenge 862: The mystery shop
First to rise to DavidMac’s challenge was, er, DavidMac, with a splendid conversion into a vintage clothes shop. Loads of great detail here; I like the interior, the goth outside, and the painted wizard. Best of all, though, is the man in the vest. Matte varnish! Ha! A glorious nightmare vision in the second entry, the woodwork blending into the cave scene. I like how all the disparate elements have been desaturated to fit together. Wrong shrooms indeed!

Trippy stuff from lwc, with a pulsating magic mushroom shop - and it’s certainly prompted some intriguing confessions from Forum members. The hip couple outside dates it neatly. The McDonalds conversion in the second entry is brilliant but horrifying - unless this is just another bad trip. Egg McFish? I’m sure you could have slipped a mooseburger in there. Aha! There it is in the third entry!

Moroccan colouring from tooquilos, with a great new door and plenty of hanging rugs. It perfectly captures the mood of Marrakech, Anna. I like the slow meander down the alley at the start of the animated version, and that camel is great; but a shame to have to cut the view size down so much. Maybe a pan starting at the top of the shop and moving down to see the camel? Great gloss varnish in the second entry - well done!

A multicoloured extravaganza from Vibeke, with the shop converted into a psychedelic Amsterdam “coffee” shop… this really seems to be a drug-fuelled week on the Forum. Good rebuilding of the shop base where the bush has been removed. The transvestite makes an interesting foreground focus.

A Diagon Alley excursion from Josephine Harvatt, relocated to Paris. I like how the two words fit so neatly under the woodwork. Those cauldrons are perhaps clustered too closely together, though - unless they’re magic cauldrons, of course, in which case they’re allowed to intersect.

It seems michael sinclair didn’t like this shop. But the subtle inclusion of elements of the shop in the second entry makes it worthwhile.

Great varnish from dwindt, with a fine cast of 3D-modelled characters enjoying the sunshine. I really like the interaction you’ve got going between them here. Tremendous detail: I could stare at this for ages. And great to see the close up that really shows the expression, and indeed the detail of the hair on the face and arm.

An exotic paint job from Frank, with some nice detail work especially on the fruit. The window display could do with livening up, though.

A subtle shop window from Mariner, just visible enough to be intriguing. Is that David Mac looking out of the upstairs window? I like the couple sitting on the pavement, but - a shadow on the glass? I don’t think so. Maybe the cannabis plant in the foreground has clouded your judgment. I like the subtle additions to the woodwork, including a mouse and caryatid. And that’s a fine coat of varnish.

Great images this week. Many thanks, David, for the starting point.


By the way, if you haven't already done so I urge you to check out Thank you.

Posted on 25/06/21 08:28:58 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5169


Re: Challenge 862: The mystery shop
Thanks Steve. Glad you liked them. I enjoyed doing both. Interestingly I had absolutely no thoughts about what to do with the image when I sent it to you. I just though people would find it an interesting and unusual starting point.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 25/06/21 09:21:44 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2860


Re: Challenge 862: The mystery shop
Steve, I had to look up the word caryatid. Shadows on glass? I had to think about that one. Thanks. BTW I gave up cannabis over forty years ago!

Posted on 25/06/21 09:23:12 AM
josephine harvatt
Gag Gadgeteer
Posts: 2603


Re: Challenge 862: The mystery shop
Thanks you Steve - I thought the cauldrons looked a bit wrong but couldnt work out why.

I'm not really bad - I just draw that way

Posted on 25/06/21 12:05:04 PM
Hole in One
Posts: 2844


Re: Challenge 862: The mystery shop
Steve Caplin wrote:
The McDonalds conversion...horrifying.

Egg McFish?

"Horrifying", lol... I achieved my goal...

Egg McFish, I simply found it to be more disgusting than a CheeseMcMoose.

Thanks Steve...!

Posted on 26/06/21 07:40:44 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2834


Re: Challenge 862: The mystery shop
Thank you Steve I didn't think to pan the camera, good idea

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