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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Challenge 1022: Down the drain

Posted on 20/09/24 09:49:44 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6968


Challenge 1022: Down the drain
The Hotel de Ville in La Rochelle is a truly magnificent building. Not a hotel at all (the name equates to Town Hall), it's profusely decorated with architectural baubles.

I was particularly struck by how they've treated this drainpipe, around the corner from the main frontage. Of course, a drainpipe like this needs something more spectacular than water coming out of it.

High res is here.

Posted on 20/09/24 4:16:50 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 20/09/24 8:32:04 PM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1709


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Good one David, I'm still head scratching.
P.S. He was one of my favorite characters - loved his short temper.

Posted on 20/09/24 9:26:03 PM
Ant Snell
Specular Specialist
Posts: 546


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
I have been absent for a while but I am back, just like a rat up a drain pipe you might say


Posted on 21/09/24 12:52:52 PM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1709


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain- Drainpipe Resident

Posted on 22/09/24 3:20:32 PM
michael sinclair
Off-Topic Opportunist
Posts: 1831


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
A simple two-framer.

Posted on 23/09/24 04:37:41 AM
Ben Boardman
Printing Pro
Posts: 575


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain

Posted on 23/09/24 9:06:10 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
WARNING! Sexually explicit imagery in some places. Viewer discretion advised!

A little bit of help here from my relatively unknown Flemish younger brother .............. he's tried to keep it naughty (they are sinners after all) without quite crossing the line. Apologies if he has failed.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 23/09/24 9:24:06 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
There was an intrinsic difficulty in this image inasmuch as Steve had supplied a fascinating down-pipe but very small in the image.

I used a third party free app called Upscayl to enlarge by a factor of four times. It's done a remarkable job!

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 24/09/24 03:49:17 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2876


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain

That's really convincing, Ben. I like the added touch of the three eyed fish.
Donald Duck fits in extremely well, David.

Wicked Witch of the West: I'm melting! I'm melting!

Posted on 24/09/24 07:53:50 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Ben that is a really amazing job of wetting down. The more I look the more impressive it is.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 24/09/24 12:25:02 PM
Ben Boardman
Printing Pro
Posts: 575


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Thank you Anna & David. Managed without AI.
Very interesting ideas & images from you both.

Posted on 25/09/24 3:09:14 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain

Trying to do convincing cut out and insertion on flames is really tough! Lots of ragged edges here that I haven't really been able to resolve. The more you tidy up one spot the more the next pops out! At some point you simply have to say 'when!'.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 26/09/24 4:34:51 PM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3939


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Sorry nothing from me this week as I have had COVID for the last week🤮

Good work everyone


Posted on 26/09/24 8:01:19 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Dear God Gordon! Poor you! What terrible luck. Hope it passes soon.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 27/09/24 07:53:14 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6968


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
First to deal with the drainpipe this week was DavidMac, with an ingenious Disneyfication of the scene. A splendid Donald Duck, and nicely applied graffiti, particularly the fish. Extraordinary goings-on in the Hieronymous Mac entry, even if it is altogether more Playboy than Bosch. I particularly like the quality of the highly reflective red liquid – too shiny to be blood, but most appealing anyway. (And by the way I’ve now tried Upscayl – it’s an excellent tool. Thank you.) It’s always tricky working with fire, and this is a valiant attempt. I think part of the problem comes from the shading, which – unusually for you – doesn’t seem to relate to the fire as being the source of the light. And why is the man floating above the road surface? For what it’s worth, I find the Smudge tool works better with flame than either a soft eraser or a layer mask.

Ant Snell’s rat is exploring the drain, looking very at home there. Those shadows beneath the wrapper and particularly the apple are too strong, through; you might want to tone them down a bit.

A threatening snake from Frank, posed ready to pounce. A great viewpoint of the woman’s legs, matching the angle of view of the scene perfectly, but it’s the lighting that really adds drama here. A compelling image.

I enjoyed michael sinclair’s dual-headed drainpipe, with its darting tongues – except the tongue on the left does seem to be positioned in front of the lip. And perhaps a touch of shadow would help them both to look more inside the mouth?

Astonishing work from Ben Boardman, whose flooding of the street is quite extraordinary. The translucence of the water, the way it moves towards the drain, the gushing from the pipe – immaculately realised, I’m hugely impressed. And of course the Simpsons three-eyed fish gag, which gives rise to the testing in the first place… brilliant work, Ben!

It looks like a crime scene from tooquilos, but I can’t quite gauge what’s happening inside the drain. Although I do like the perspective on the bloodstains. Perhaps I’ll get some help from the animated version… well, that was very unexpected! Extraordinary snake-on-snake action. An excellent soundtrack, with very appropriate sound effects. I like the flashing eyes.


Gordon – so sorry you have contracted the Plague! Get well soon.

Loyd – hope you can get your computer fixed!

Posted on 27/09/24 08:51:06 AM
Ben Boardman
Printing Pro
Posts: 575


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Thank you Steve.

Posted on 27/09/24 09:29:14 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Steve Caplin wrote:
A splendid Donald Duck, and nicely applied graffiti, particularly the fish.

Donald was absolutely the first thing that jumped to mind! Seemed so obvious.

...... even if it is altogether more Playboy than Bosch.

Ummmm ......... yes. Hard to find source material that isn't ..... or even far worse!

(And by the way I’ve now tried Upscayl – it’s an excellent tool. Thank you.)

I find it very impressive. Much better that PS's neural super zoom.

I think part of the problem comes from the shading, which – unusually for you – doesn’t seem to relate to the fire as being the source of the light. And why is the man floating above the road surface?

Truth is I got completely lost somewhere and instead of scrapping and starting again, as I should have done, I got lost in a vicious circle of tweaks and corrections that simply seemed make things worse the harder I tried. I think we have all been there at one time or another.

For what it’s worth, I find the Smudge tool works better with flame than either a soft eraser or a layer mask.

Clever! I can see how that could work. Will try next time.

Thanks Steve. Odd but fun.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 27/09/24 4:03:40 PM
Hole in One
Posts: 3052


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Nice work everyone!

Steve Caplin wrote:
Loyd – hope you can get your computer fixed!

Thanks Steve… picked up the new one last night. When I bought the one that failed, a little over a year ago, they persuaded me to buy a ‘protection plan’. I normally don’t buy those, but a little voice in my head said “do it”. Long story short… they decided that it was "beyond repair"... it was covered 100% and they provided a new one, recovered all my files and software, and did the basic set-up. I am now ‘tweaking’ settings and such to my liking. Close to being totally sorted this morning.

Posted on 27/09/24 5:30:30 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Challenge 1022: Down the drain
Excellent Loyd!

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......
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