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» Forum Index » Welcome to the forum! » Topic: Start here

Posted on 08/09/05 12:25:12 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6886

Start here
Welcome to the forum! You'll find a great range of Photoshop artists of all skill levels here, ready to help out with any problems and to comment on your work. You don't need to be an expert Photoshop user, and you don't even need to have bought the book - browse around and see what interests you.

This is how the sections in the Reader Forum work:

General comments is the space for just about anything you want to say about Photoshop, How to Cheat in Photoshop, or anything image related. We try to keep off politics in order to keep it friendly, although you can of course be as rude as you like about George W Bush (that doesn't count as politics, it's just common sense).

Problems and Solutions is the place to post any difficulties you may have - either following some of the steps in the book, or with Photoshop in general. We aim to help you with whatever problems you may have (image editing problems, that is - the 'real life' stuff is up to you).

Image Doctor is the forum for discussing specific issues with a photograph or montage you're working on. It doesn't have to be related to the book in any way: just post a copy of your image so we can discuss it. It helps to post a large enough version so that other forum members can download it and try out techniques that may help you in finding a solution.

Reader's Gallery is the space where you can post images you're particularly proud of. If you have your own website, include a link to it here so we can see more of your work. Share your Photoshop efforts with others!

The Reader's Tutorials section is where readers who have developed
a great technique can share it with the rest of us. Read the instructions there to see how to post your own tutorials.

The Third Edition section discusses what's new in the latest edition of How to Cheat in Photoshop. We've used this section in the past for making suggestions for future editions of the book - and a lot of the new stuff in the third edition came about because of readers' comments. If you have anything to offer, say it!

The Friday Challenge is a weekly contest in which, each week, you'll be presented with a Photoshop task to complete by the following Friday. At the end of the week I'll make comments on all the entries, pointing out any errors or inconsistencies, and lavishing praise on those who have turned in particularly good entries. Although the standard here can be very high, don't feel you have to live up to any expectations: all entries are very welcome!

Link Fest is, as the name implies, a section devoted to links of interest to Photoshop users. These can include useful sources of free images, tips on photography and Photoshop generally, or anything that you think will catch our interest.

Test Yourself is the newest section on the Forum, and it's been created to give those who have bought the third edition of the book the chance to submit their work on the Test Yourself pages in the book. Again, we're not expecting perfection: if you're really struggled with one of the tests, then post your work so far here and we can try to set you straight. On the other hand, if you have completed a task perfectly, then we'd love to see it!

Enjoy the forum.



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