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» Forum Index » Reader's Tutorials » Topic: How to post tutorials

Posted on 27/01/07 6:59:54 PM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 27/01/07 7:00:31 PM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 27/01/07 7:01:01 PM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 27/01/07 7:01:41 PM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 27/01/07 7:02:01 PM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 27/01/07 7:02:37 PM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 27/01/07 7:03:09 PM
Marquee Master
Posts: 518


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 18/05/07 03:30:02 AM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


How to post tutorials
Steve Caplin wrote:
Here's how to post tutorials that contain multiple images. It's not quite as simple a process as I would have liked, but it's the only way I can think of to get around the problem of not being able to post more than one image in each entry.

First, upload your images, one at a time, as separate posts in this section of this forum, by posting replies to this message in the usual way. The images will then all be loaded onto the server, ready for you to incorporate in your tutorial. No need to write anything here! David and I will weed these out as each tutorial appears so this section doesn't get too cluttered. (Don't worry - the images won't disappear from your tutorials.)

Next, start a new post in the Reader's Tutorials section of the forum. Each time you want to incorporate an image you've already uploaded, you need to link to it using the following format. Let's say the first image is called steve_tutorial_01.jpg. To make the image show up in your tutorial, type the following at the point you want the image to appear:


All you have to do now is to type the relevant name of each image as you want to use it - please be aware when adding the links that filenames are case-sensitive; Image_1.jpg is not the same as image_1.jpg and will be treated as a different file. I'd recommend you stick to this numbering format for ease of use - and, please, remember my bandwidth! Keep images small, and relevant, wherever you can and remember, no apostrophes!

Posted on 18/05/07 03:30:45 AM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


How to post tutorials
Steve Caplin wrote:
Here's how to post tutorials that contain multiple images. It's not quite as simple a process as I would have liked, but it's the only way I can think of to get around the problem of not being able to post more than one image in each entry.

First, upload your images, one at a time, as separate posts in this section of this forum, by posting replies to this message in the usual way. The images will then all be loaded onto the server, ready for you to incorporate in your tutorial. No need to write anything here! David and I will weed these out as each tutorial appears so this section doesn't get too cluttered. (Don't worry - the images won't disappear from your tutorials.)

Next, start a new post in the Reader's Tutorials section of the forum. Each time you want to incorporate an image you've already uploaded, you need to link to it using the following format. Let's say the first image is called steve_tutorial_01.jpg. To make the image show up in your tutorial, type the following at the point you want the image to appear:


All you have to do now is to type the relevant name of each image as you want to use it - please be aware when adding the links that filenames are case-sensitive; Image_1.jpg is not the same as image_1.jpg and will be treated as a different file. I'd recommend you stick to this numbering format for ease of use - and, please, remember my bandwidth! Keep images small, and relevant, wherever you can and remember, no apostrophes!

Posted on 18/05/07 03:32:00 AM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


How to post tutorials
Steve Caplin wrote:
Here's how to post tutorials that contain multiple images. It's not quite as simple a process as I would have liked, but it's the only way I can think of to get around the problem of not being able to post more than one image in each entry.

First, upload your images, one at a time, as separate posts in this section of this forum, by posting replies to this message in the usual way. The images will then all be loaded onto the server, ready for you to incorporate in your tutorial. No need to write anything here! David and I will weed these out as each tutorial appears so this section doesn't get too cluttered. (Don't worry - the images won't disappear from your tutorials.)

Next, start a new post in the Reader's Tutorials section of the forum. Each time you want to incorporate an image you've already uploaded, you need to link to it using the following format. Let's say the first image is called steve_tutorial_01.jpg. To make the image show up in your tutorial, type the following at the point you want the image to appear:


All you have to do now is to type the relevant name of each image as you want to use it - please be aware when adding the links that filenames are case-sensitive; Image_1.jpg is not the same as image_1.jpg and will be treated as a different file. I'd recommend you stick to this numbering format for ease of use - and, please, remember my bandwidth! Keep images small, and relevant, wherever you can and remember, no apostrophes!

Posted on 18/05/07 03:33:57 AM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


How to post tutorials
Steve Caplin wrote:
Here's how to post tutorials that contain multiple images. It's not quite as simple a process as I would have liked, but it's the only way I can think of to get around the problem of not being able to post more than one image in each entry.

First, upload your images, one at a time, as separate posts in this section of this forum, by posting replies to this message in the usual way. The images will then all be loaded onto the server, ready for you to incorporate in your tutorial. No need to write anything here! David and I will weed these out as each tutorial appears so this section doesn't get too cluttered. (Don't worry - the images won't disappear from your tutorials.)

Next, start a new post in the Reader's Tutorials section of the forum. Each time you want to incorporate an image you've already uploaded, you need to link to it using the following format. Let's say the first image is called steve_tutorial_01.jpg. To make the image show up in your tutorial, type the following at the point you want the image to appear:


All you have to do now is to type the relevant name of each image as you want to use it - please be aware when adding the links that filenames are case-sensitive; Image_1.jpg is not the same as image_1.jpg and will be treated as a different file. I'd recommend you stick to this numbering format for ease of use - and, please, remember my bandwidth! Keep images small, and relevant, wherever you can and remember, no apostrophes!

Posted on 28/06/07 06:15:45 AM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


Re: How to post tutorials
Auto Align layers

Posted on 28/06/07 10:57:01 PM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


Image doctor - how to replace sky
Not sure if I have done this correct.
Hopefully Steve can fix it.

Posted on 23/02/08 1:35:43 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: How to post tutorials

Only in my brightest moments I understand myself

Posted on 23/02/08 1:36:10 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: How to post tutorials

Only in my brightest moments I understand myself

Posted on 23/02/08 1:36:28 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: How to post tutorials


Posted on 23/02/08 1:36:42 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: How to post tutorials


Posted on 23/02/08 1:36:57 PM
Visual Viking
Posts: 330


Re: How to post tutorials

Only in my brightest moments I understand myself

Posted on 02/03/08 01:52:40 AM
Posts: 16


How to post tutorials

Posted on 02/03/08 01:53:49 AM
Posts: 16


How to post tutorials

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