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» Forum Index » Reader's Tutorials » Topic: A new (for me) discovery. HOW TO SAVE JPGs WITH TRANSPARENCY

Posted on 26/03/24 4:39:55 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


A new (for me) discovery. HOW TO SAVE JPGs WITH TRANSPARENCY
I am constantly surprised at how just much I don't know after twenty five years of using graphics apps.

I have only just discovered that it is possible to create JPG files with transparency information in the form of a path.

I have a horrible feeling that many of you will by now be curling your upper lip and thinking "My God ... are you seriously telling me you didn't know that before!".

Well I didn't.

Just in case any of you are similarly ignorant then read on ........

The jpg file shown here is a selection that can be separated easily from its background.

If you want to find out more right click the image to download it and open it in Photoshop.


Depending on how you have your photoshop set up to open files the image will open either as a layer or a background. Either way there will be no selection present.

Now open the Paths window and you should find this path. Select it to make it active.

You now have the option to do one of two things:-

Option 1 In the bottom of the Paths window click the Create Selection button and then click the Create Mask button.

Return to the Layers window and you will find the stool image is now a masked layer with a pixel mask.

Option 2 Open the image and select the path as in Option 1.

Instead of clicking the Selection button in the bottom of the paths window, click the mask button two times.


In the top of the window you will see a new path appear.

Return to the Layers window and you will find the stool image is now a masked layer with a vector mask.


If you want create a JPG with a path it's very simple. Create a selection with the tools of your preference. Once you are happy you have a good clean selection open the paths window and click on the Create Path button.

Now save your image as a JPG. That's it!

If you find that the above doesn't produce a good path then instead of clicking the Path button at the bottom of the Paths window click the hamburger menu in the top right of the window and select 'Make Work Path' from the dropdown.

This will open a window allowing you to control how 'tightly' the path is made.

So there we are. I am astonished and somewhat embarrassed that I never discovered this before.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 26/03/24 7:58:40 PM
michael sinclair
Off-Topic Opportunist
Posts: 1821


Re: A new (for me) discovery. HOW TO SAVE JPGs WITH TRANSPARENCY
I didn't know that either David; however, I've missed nothing cos I click save to PNG and it's done!

Posted on 26/03/24 9:02:21 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: A new (for me) discovery. HOW TO SAVE JPGs WITH TRANSPARENCY
michael sinclair wrote:
I didn't know that either David; however, I've missed nothing cos I click save to PNG and it's done!


I am really not sure if it's a useful piece of information or not. As you so succinctly point out, there are indeed easier ways.

I posted more out of interest than utility because I was so intrigued to discover that it was even possible. I had no idea!

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

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