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» Forum Index » Reader's Tutorials » Topic: How to post tutorials

Posted on 08/03/06 6:33:46 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6952


How to post tutorials
Here's how to post tutorials that contain multiple images. It's not quite as simple a process as I would have liked, but it's the only way I can think of to get around the problem of not being able to post more than one image in each entry.

First, upload your images, one at a time, as separate posts in this section of this forum, by posting replies to this message in the usual way. The images will then all be loaded onto the server, ready for you to incorporate in your tutorial. No need to write anything here! David and I will weed these out as each tutorial appears so this section doesn't get too cluttered. (Don't worry - the images won't disappear from your tutorials.)

Next, start a new post in the Reader's Tutorials section of the forum. Each time you want to incorporate an image you've already uploaded, you need to link to it using the following format. Let's say the first image is called steve_tutorial_01.jpg. To make the image show up in your tutorial, type the following at the point you want the image to appear:


All you have to do now is to type the relevant name of each image as you want to use it - please be aware when adding the links that filenames are case-sensitive; Image_1.jpg is not the same as image_1.jpg and will be treated as a different file. I'd recommend you stick to this numbering format for ease of use - and, please, remember my bandwidth! Keep images small, and relevant, wherever you can and remember, no apostrophes!

Posted on 09/03/06 10:29:04 PM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials

I've prepared a sample tutorial to try out the multiple image process.

The tutorial is about how to match colors using Levels instead of Curves. This could benefit the Elements users who don't have Curves.

Before I upload it, I need your permission. In order to allow someone to compare this method directly with the one in your book, I've used the same photo as in your book (the hand and face) and followed the same sequence of steps. Do I have your permission to do this?

The tutorial contains 7 images (combined total of about 99KB).

Posted on 10/03/06 08:37:31 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6952


Re: How to post tutorials
Absolutely, Bob. That would be a really useful tutorial!

Posted on 11/03/06 10:21:22 AM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials
Thanks, Steve.

Now let's see if I can get this to work.

Here come the images.

Posted on 11/03/06 10:21:49 AM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 11/03/06 10:22:36 AM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 11/03/06 10:22:56 AM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 11/03/06 10:23:24 AM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 11/03/06 10:23:57 AM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 11/03/06 10:24:17 AM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials

Posted on 11/03/06 11:02:37 AM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials
OK, Steve.

I posted the tutorial by posting a new topic in the Reader's Tutorial section. I did it twice because the first time nothing showed up and I thought I was doing something wrong. It didn't show up again so I figure it requires someone to approve it before it will show.

Please delete the duplicate post. If you aren't requiring approval prior to the new post showing up, then either I'm doing something wrong or we need to find out where it went.

Since this will be the first, it will be interesting to see the feedback re: format, size of images, content, etc.

Posted on 11/03/06 11:27:18 AM

Re: How to post tutorials
Bob, there's no approval process. I'm not sure why it didn't show.

It must be Thursday, I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Posted on 11/03/06 9:15:10 PM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials
What is the size limit on a single post?

When I tried creating the new topic, I used the preview option and the entire tutorial was displayed properly. I then clicked "Send" and it appeared to work -- no error message --- but the post never showed up.

Thinking about it, I'm wondering if it didn't post because I exceeded a size limit. I would have expected a truncated post in that case, but maybe I was so far over the limit it just threw it out.

Perhaps I should break it up into smaller chunks. Say, one post per step. What do you think?

Posted on 11/03/06 9:43:06 PM

Re: How to post tutorials
I'm not aware of a maximum post size. I'll check the forum settings.

As far as I can see, there's no imposed size limit. However, it may be a restriction with the software itself - it may be an idea to post the steps individually, you could also change the subject heading to reflect this (eg. Step 1, 2, etc.).

It must be Thursday, I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Posted on 12/03/06 12:24:45 PM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials

This is getting strange. I don't think it's the length that's giving me problems. I can't seem to create a new topic -- even a short one.

I'm signed in and go to "Reader's Tutorials" then click on the "Post New Topic" link at the top of the page. I get a new page and the line above the edit box indicates that it's for a new topic. I enter a subject and the message text. If I click on Preview, I get a page showing the post as it would appear. However, if I click on Send, I get a page with a blank edit box for a new topic. Just as if I had clicked on the "Post New Topic" link again. It doesn't matter whether it's the entire tutorial or a single paragraph. The new topic does not get added.

Any idea what's going on? Am I doing something wrong?

Posted on 12/03/06 1:36:34 PM

Re: How to post tutorials
That's most odd, especially as you are able to post replies normally. Can you post a new test message, just a couple of lines will do.

A happy-go-lucky chap, always dressed in black

Posted on 12/03/06 8:28:48 PM
Expert Expressionist
Posts: 130


Re: How to post tutorials
How odd!!!

I was able to create a new post using just one line and it showed up. I was then able to edit it and paste in the original text.

I have no idea why it didn't work before. I didn't do anything differently.

Posted on 12/03/06 9:46:24 PM

Re: How to post tutorials
Well, as long as it works. Maybe the software has trouble adding that much in one go to a completely fresh post.

A happy-go-lucky chap, always dressed in black

Posted on 13/03/06 12:17:06 PM

Re: How to post tutorials
Great tutorial, Bob. The Levels/Curves comparison is a good inclusion.

A happy-go-lucky chap, always dressed in black

Posted on 14/03/06 03:44:11 AM
Constructional Confabulator
Posts: 637


Re: How to post tutorials
At 15:28:48 12/03/06, Bob wrote:
How odd!!!

I was able to create a new post using just one line and it showed up. I was then able to edit it and paste in the original text.

I have no idea why it didn't work before. I didn't do anything differently.

Maybe the software saw your Avatar and got scared... my 6 year old did!



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