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» Forum Index » Announcements » Topic: Drawspace: a new teaching venture

Posted on 13/11/09 07:46:58 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6949


Drawspace: a new teaching venture
I've just launched my first teaching session with Drawspace, a fantastic online learning resource for those who want to learn to draw and paint.

I'm honoured to have been asked to provide their first digital artwork session, and to suit the current Drawspace membership I thought I'd go for something a little different to the usual montage techniques. So the session will be all about drawing objects from scratch in Photoshop, adding highlights and shading to make them look realistic.

Full details of my course are here, for those who want to check it out.

Posted on 13/11/09 08:43:49 AM
femme fatale
Posts: 585


Drawspace: a new teaching venture
Steve Caplin wrote:
I've just launched my first teaching session with Drawspace, a fantastic online learning resource for those who want to learn to draw and paint.

I'm honoured to have been asked to provide their first digital artwork session, and to suit the current Drawspace membership I thought I'd go for something a little different to the usual montage techniques. So the session will be all about drawing objects from scratch in Photoshop, adding highlights and shading to make them look realistic.

Full details of my course are here, for those who want to check it out.

I just want to know.... Et je ne sais pas le dire en anglais...
Steve, quand on est pas pétri de talent comme toi, est ce vraiment possible d'apprendre à dessiner???

Mais je me connais, je lâcherais pas l'affaire.... Je vais piquer de grève comme on pique une colère... Plus têtue que tous les vieil homme et la mer... Pour que continue le combat ordinaire!

Posted on 13/11/09 2:39:14 PM
Posts: 413


Re: Drawspace: a new teaching venture
Hello Steve,

it is great! It happens: I was just looking for a drawing course, so I have made registration.

I am (really) looking forward for that session. It will be my first experience in on-line learning. For this moment I am studying british Open University and it is great to study in distance.


There are most happy who have no story to tell. - Anthony Trollope.

Posted on 13/11/09 3:38:17 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6949


Re: Drawspace: a new teaching venture
laddition: mais oui, c'est toujours possible d'apprendre à dessiner! Mais je croix que tu as beaucoup de talent toi-même!

Emil: That's great - I hope you find the course useful. The other instructors there are real artists - the kind who use pencils and paper - and I feel quite outclassed!

Posted on 13/11/09 7:04:42 PM
femme fatale
Posts: 585


Re: Drawspace: a new teaching venture
Steve Caplin wrote:
laddition: mais oui, c'est toujours possible d'apprendre à dessiner! Mais je croix que tu as beaucoup de talent toi-même!

Emil: That's great - I hope you find the course useful. The other instructors there are real artists - the kind who use pencils and paper - and I feel quite outclassed!

Je ne crois pas que tu pouvais me faire un plus beau compliment!
Merci beaucoup, Maitre Jedi!

Mais je me connais, je lâcherais pas l'affaire.... Je vais piquer de grève comme on pique une colère... Plus têtue que tous les vieil homme et la mer... Pour que continue le combat ordinaire!

Posted on 13/11/09 8:34:46 PM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Drawspace: a new teaching venture
Lovely website, Steve. I've signed up and been inspired.

Posted on 17/11/09 09:53:04 AM
Deborah Morley
Makeover Magician
Posts: 1319


Re: Drawspace: a new teaching venture
Wish I could sign up. Hopefully it will be repeated when I have some money!

Posted on 18/11/09 07:42:48 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6949


Re: Drawspace: a new teaching venture
Deborah Morley wrote:
Wish I could sign up. Hopefully it will be repeated when I have some money!

Oh, it will certainly be repeated - but they're encouraging me to put the price up...

Posted on 28/11/09 5:41:10 PM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


Re: Drawspace: a new teaching venture
How long is the session? is there more than one lesson? The dates ar Nov 20 -Jan 1st, does that mean you can join anytime?

Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.

Posted on 30/11/09 07:34:26 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6949


Re: Drawspace: a new teaching venture
The current session ends just after Christmas, and it's a six week course - not the sort of thing you can join half way through.

There will be a new session some time in the new year. Vibeke, I think you can do all this stuff already!

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