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Posted on 03/02/22 09:01:57 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6968


Interview on CreativePro
Thought you might enjoy this - and interview I did with CreativePro to mark the publication of my new Photoshop book, a compilation of articles I've written for them over the years.

Posted on 04/02/22 09:52:42 AM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1709


Re: Interview on CreativePro
Enjoyed it thoroughly - love the kids TV eyes and the roundabout sign.

Posted on 05/02/22 07:59:25 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Interview on CreativePro
TV eyes favourite for me as well.

Some interesting links too.

Tempted to go for the book.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 05/02/22 12:35:49 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Interview on CreativePro
Well I got the book. Just done a quick skim. Some of it I have seen before online and some is completely new. Some tutorials have few surprises for an experienced users and some take me places where I am weak and can really benefit from trying new techniques. All in all I am very glad I bought it.

If I may sound one teeny negative note I think it is a pity you don't provide more comprehensive links to your example images. It's a wee bit sporadic in places. I personally find that the first time one attempts a tutorial it is far better to follow the bouncing ball and sing along with the same image (and, by implication, settings) given in the tutorial. Once confident with that, one can take off on one's own images.

Or maybe I am just a wimp ...............

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 06/02/22 8:04:36 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6968


Re: Interview on CreativePro
I know exactly what you mean, David. The format of the book was dictated by CreativePro - I’d have done it rather differently, given the chance. But glad you found one or two pieces of use in there.

Posted on 07/02/22 07:39:35 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5433


Re: Interview on CreativePro
Oh yes!. One or two very useful ideas gained already.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 10/02/22 01:45:21 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2876


Re: Interview on CreativePro
That's great Steve. Just downloaded the book. Will have a read this evening.

Dorothy: "there's no place like home!"

Posted on 15/02/22 2:50:05 PM
Ant Snell
Specular Specialist
Posts: 546


Re: Interview on CreativePro
Over the weekend I had one of those very rare moments of having some time to spare (either that or no motivation to do anything of worth) anyway, I spent a few hours following various links from this post. Having been a HotCHiPs member for a few years now, I was aware of some of Steve’s talents outside of Photoshop however not as aware as I probably should have been. From journalist to author, artist to a cabinet maker and public speaker to radio presenter, it's all there. I was fascinated to find the back catalog of Gadgets and Gizmos podcasts. A great blend of humor, useful and utterly useless information which is now the top of my podcast list. I would love to have a rummage in the room where all the ‘demo’ products get dumped after they have been featured on the show. As I would your workshop where you make your furniture and sculptures. As you probably know Steve I also upcycle a few bits and thought I was quite good, but some of your creations put mine to shame. Keep up the great work Steve.

Posted on 15/02/22 5:39:26 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6968


Re: Interview on CreativePro
Well thank you, Ant! I’ve greatly enjoyed seeing your creations over the years as well. And I’m really pleased you’ve found Gadgets and Gizmos, it’s a lot of fun to record.

For those who haven’t stumbled upon it yet, you can find the podcast wherever you usually find podcasts - search for HRKN and that should take you to it.

Posted on 24/02/22 11:01:01 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2958


Re: Interview on CreativePro
I liked your interview, Steve. I also like the tip to flip your work horizontally, and the curieaux furniture. Normally I would have bought your book, but these days I find reading more and more difficult (macular problem).

Posted on 27/06/22 8:12:06 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Interview on CreativePro
Lovely interview Steve. I'm in awe of your story. I would love to have followed a career in graphics but never believed in myself. I always strive for better and am never satisfied with result.

Hats off for doing it your own way. Respect!

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

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