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» Forum Index » Announcements » Topic: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers

Posted on 21/11/13 08:05:07 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
Back in September, Adobe announced that they would be offering Photoshop CC and Lightroom, together, for £8.78 a month to anyone who already owned Photoshop CS3 or later.

They're now extending this offer to all Photoshop users, even if you've never bought a legitimate copy of Photoshop before.

The offer is only open until December 3rd, and it's a very good deal. It means for a reasonable monthly fee you can get rolling upgrades to Photoshop as they're released (and there's some very good stuff on the way over).

Full details here:

If you haven't already made the upgrade to CC, this could be the best way of doing so. The deal is available internationally in your currency.

Posted on 24/11/13 5:48:14 PM
Satire Supremo
Posts: 607


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
That's a great deal. I just signed up, but now will have to cancel as I am still on 32 bit Windows Vista!..

Posted on 25/11/13 01:37:23 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2856


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
Thank you Steve for letting us know about this offer. Ive signed up. Just one question..can I download this onto my 2nd computer at home or would I need to pay again? Ive looked at the Adobe site and can't seem to find the answer. Thanks Steve

Dorothy: "there's no place like home!"

Posted on 25/11/13 01:54:39 AM
Satire Supremo
Posts: 607


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
Hi Anna, I read that you can use it on 2 computers (Win/win, win/mac or mac/mac) But you can't have both computers on at the same time.

Posted on 25/11/13 03:19:54 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2856


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
Artwel wrote:
Hi Anna, I read that you can use it on 2 computers (Win/win, win/mac or mac/mac) But you can't have both computers on at the same time.

Hi Artwel..thank you for that.. When they say you can't have both computers on at the same time do they mean you can't be running PS and Lightroom at the same time on both computers?

Dorothy: Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore

Posted on 25/11/13 04:21:19 AM
Satire Supremo
Posts: 607


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
ha, now that's a good question!..

Posted on 25/11/13 07:36:03 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
I have a Creative Cloud membership and frequently run Photoshop on two machines simultaneously. Never had a problem doing so.

Posted on 25/11/13 5:30:37 PM
Satire Supremo
Posts: 607


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
Steve Caplin wrote:
I have a Creative Cloud membership and frequently run Photoshop on two machines simultaneously. Never had a problem doing so.

Well that would make sense that you should be able to use both at the same time.

I'm having to stick with CS5 for the moment, until I upgrade my computer. I hope Adobe have a similar offer in a few months time as I really want to get into the 3D tools of CC.

Posted on 25/11/13 7:19:23 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6934


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
Artwel wrote:
I really want to get into the 3D tools of CC.

I know of this really good book...

Posted on 26/11/13 04:23:52 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2856


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
Thank you so much Steve.

Wicked Witch of the West:I'll get you, my pretty!
And your little dog, too!

Posted on 29/11/13 7:19:10 PM
Deborah Morley
Makeover Magician
Posts: 1319


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
Well, today I bit the bullet and 'purchased' or should I say rented photoshopCC. I have a 4 year old iMac and using CS6 extended it used to crash sometimes while trying 3D.
I have tried to make CC crash; but it hasn't.
It has taken 5GB of space, but I have loads so that is not a problem.
The Camera Raw Filter is really excellent; and I have yet to try Lightroom.
Will carry on playing.

Posted on 06/12/13 1:32:25 PM
Ingenious Inventor
Posts: 2615


Re: Photoshop CC special deal extended to all comers
As I understand the discount offer has been extended to 8th Dec.

Seems good value as I now have Lightroom included.

I went via my Mac first. Had a few problems not fixed yet to get working on Mac & PC. Any hints welcome. So back to my PC, no problems, works fine with 6GB (when I get time!). Took a long time to download 1) PS, 2) Bridge and 3) Lightroom, but with patience they completed ok 1by1.

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