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» Forum Index » Announcements » Topic: I am Charlie

Posted on 08/01/15 7:08:12 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6956


I am Charlie

This week saw an astonishing outrage in Paris, when masked gunmen burst into the offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and slaughtered 12 people, including the magazine's editor and three of France's most notable cartoonists.

This was an attack not just on the people of Paris, but on free speech. Here on the Forum we revel in our freedom to lampoon, to satirise, to criticise and to make fun of figures in authority. As a satirical cartoonist, I have earned a living by highlighting the absurdities and inconsistencies of those who seek to direct and control us.

Parisians are today declaring I Am Charlie in solidarity with the murdered satirists, proclaiming their refusal to be cowed by such events. I share in that solidarity.

Je suis Charlie.

Posted on 08/01/15 9:10:51 PM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2869


Re: I am Charlie
I was shocked and sickened upon learning of the recent attack in Paris and the senseless tragic loss of innocent and talented people.

These attackers and their fellow fanatics are a cancer on humanity. Their only purpose in life is to kill and destroy the very host that keeps them alive. They are led by arrogance, self righteousness, ignorance and cowardliness. If they truly believed this action was to avenge their god - stay at the scene and stand proud but instead they fled and hid.

My thoughts are with the families, friends and associates of the victims. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they are all feeling right now.

Wicked Witch of the West: I'm melting! I'm melting!

Posted on 08/01/15 10:48:43 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: I am Charlie
This is an outrage unjustifiable by any human standards.

As with all religious conflict the many respectable and harmless will be condemned by the actions of the extreme few.

How sad that the world seems always to come to this. Horrors, perpetrated in the name of just about every faith, believing that they they are the only righteous, recur time and time again, throughout history.

And yet we never learn .....

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 08/01/15 11:22:53 PM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3906


Re: I am Charlie
Until yesterday the vast majority of people on this planet had never heard of Charlie Hebdo ... today the vast majority of people on this planet know exactly who Charlie Hebdo is and are appalled at the perpetrators and their disgusting and cowardly behaviour.

These people have proved that, to paraphrase, the pen really is mightier than the Kalashnikov. They must be really insecure in their religion to be so worried about a simple little pencil.

Je suis Charlie

If at first you don't succeed then skydiving is not for you.

Posted on 09/01/15 03:49:00 AM
Pixel Perfectionist
Posts: 885


Re: I am Charlie
It was a despicable act designed to create fear as much as to silence people who the terrorists found offensive. They are victorious only when we silence ourselves in the face of such acts. What a weak and an insecure God they must believe in that needs to be defended from cartoonists. Thank you, Steve, for speaking up.

I'm still learning.

Posted on 09/01/15 05:04:52 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Re: I am Charlie
I echo the opinions expressed above and despise the barbarity of this disgusting crime.

Posted on 09/01/15 05:51:18 AM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


Re: I am Charlie
Mariner wrote:
I echo the opinions expressed above and despise the barbarity of this disgusting crime.

Couldn't say it any better.

Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.

Posted on 09/01/15 07:50:33 AM
Posts: 413


Re: I am Charlie
Yes, it was disgusting crime.

Those blind people "acting" in name of god do not know what they are doing.

Je suis Charlie.

Truth and love triumph over lies and hatred (president Havel)

Posted on 09/01/15 09:56:39 AM
josephine harvatt
Gag Gadgeteer
Posts: 2603


Re: I am Charlie
Sad and depressing. The irony is that the people who will suffer most from this are the majority of ordinary muslims who are peaceful and law abiding

I'm not really bad - I just draw that way

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