This week's banner is by Deborah Morley

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» Forum Index » Announcements » Topic: What to do about the Forum banner?

Posted on 13/12/24 08:49:56 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6956


What to do about the Forum banner?
For many months now I've been alternating the banners between Loyd and everyone else, since Loyd has provided a seemingly inexhaustible supply. But in the "everyone else" category I've been recycling and it's starting to show.

I stopped including banners by James and Deborah Morley after they passed away, but now I'm wondering if we shouldn't start including them again – in their memory, as it were.

Would this be in bad taste? And should I include "the late" before their names?

Comments, please.

Posted on 13/12/24 08:59:58 AM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3906


Re: What to do about the Forum banner?
It would be great to see and honour both James’s and Deborah’s work in this way. My immediate feeling is that we don’t need to add ‘late’. We don’t refer to ‘the late Mozart’ or ‘the late Picasso’

I must knuckle down and produce some more banners myself

Why is it that all the contestants in the ‘Miss Universe’ contest are all from Earth?

Posted on 14/12/24 4:23:26 PM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1696


Re: What to do about the Forum banner?
Agree with Gordon - I think they would be honoured to have their work carry on.

Posted on 16/12/24 03:59:07 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2869


Re: What to do about the Forum banner?
I agree with including James' and Deborah's banners. Also Trevor (Jota). In my mind they are still here making me smile each time I think of them. No need for 'the late.'

Dorothy: Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore

Posted on 16/12/24 07:10:26 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: What to do about the Forum banner?
I love to see them again too. I agree with the others - no 'late'.

I've been very lazy about banners. I find them surprisingly hard.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 16/12/24 8:03:27 PM
Hole in One
Posts: 3032


Re: What to do about the Forum banner?
Use them - 'late' not needed.

Posted on 17/12/24 4:15:19 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6956


Re: What to do about the Forum banner?

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